Brave new world of the nano
Nanotechnology is leading us into a very different future. |
A mysterious technology is about to transform our lives, but scientists say it needs more debate, writes Deborah Smith.
Put Hollywood and Michael Crichton together and you've got the next big science scare.
When a film based on the best-selling author's thriller Prey - featuring tiny robots that run amok - hits the big screen, it could do for nanotechnology what his Jurassic Park did for cloning.
In nano-talk, tiny means hardly there at all. One hundred-thousandth the thickness of a human hair. Half the width of a strand of DNA. Three gold atoms side by side. A billionth of a metre.
No matter how hard researchers have tried, there is no catchy way to describe a nanometre, no simple comparison that gives meaning to the term at the heart of the science set to transform our lives.
And this is probably part of the reason why nanotechnology - making new devices and materials by working in the 1-to-100 nanometre range - has not aroused the same debate in Australia as other controversial new technologies, despite concerns raging overseas.
Nanotechnology also packs a very broad punch. The list of areas it is expected to effect, for better or worse, is as long as a nanometre is short.
Promises of research in this Lilliputian world also range from the mundane to the miraculous, from a cure for smelly socks to an unbreakable cord to tether satellites to the Earth.
It could transform medicine - leading to tiny devices scooting through our veins to repair worn bodies. Or, some scientists warn, it could transform the human race.
Nanotechnology will also have an impact on the environment, defence, energy, information technology, agriculture, sport and manufacturing. Most aspects of our lives will be affected, says Vijoleta Braach-Maksvytis, head of the CSIRO's Global Aid plan and, until recently, co-director of CSIRO Nanotechnology.
Dr Braach-Maksvytis is among those who do not want to see the same mistakes made as with other technologies, where public consideration of the social and ethical implications lagged behind the science.
Nanotechnology will lead us into a very different future, she said. "And I passionately believe we have an extraordinary moment in history as a global people to rethink where we want to take the world with this new technology."
The nano-revolution began 20 years ago when it first became possible to see atoms with a microscope. Then, in 1989, scientists laboriously dragged individual atoms into the pattern of their employer's name, IBM, a feat that would allow a book to be written on a pinhead.
Simon Ringer, of the University of Sydney, likens our position to that of the 17th century microscopists who first saw the world of organisms and cells.
"We are going on a new journey, into inner space, to find out how materials really work at the nano-level. We are on the cusp of a new age of enlightenment," said Professor Ringer, executive director of the Nanostructural Analysis Network Organisation, NANO.
Scientists are excited because the properties of materials can alter dramatically when they become nano-sized. Most metals, for example, change colour. As well, it is the scale at which proteins and DNA work.
Professor Matt Trau, director of the Centre for Nanotechnology and Biomaterials at the University of Queensland, compares his nano research to children playing with building blocks. "But our Lego blocks are molecules."
Australia made its mark six years ago when Dr Braach-Maksvytis, with Dr Bruce Cornell, developed the first nano-machine, a sensor that could detect a sugar cube dissolved in Sydney Harbour.
Australian companies make the world's smallest nanoparticles for commercial use and have just had the first nanotechnology-based medical device approved for human therapy. And the first university course on nanotechnology was introduced here.
i see all these advacements as testaments to the incredible and phenomenal accomplishments "imperfect man" is capable of. i mean, what have any of Jehovah's Witnesses done to make this world a better place?
it's a brave new world all right...