What would you say to a JW at your door?

by Undecided 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl

    I've been out for 4 years and have lived in various different countries, so I know I'm not on a "do not call" list. Not one JW has ever approached me or come to our home. I've passed them in the street more than once, and they haven't said a word to me, not even "hello."

    If they do come, I'll play dumb and ask them if they're the group that believes Jesus came in 1914. Then I'll ask how they arrived at that date, and then drop them in it by explaining that Jerusalem WASN'T destroyed in 607. (If they can even explain how they get to 1914; most JWs I knew couldn't remember.)

  • ozziepost

    What about "Good morning" ??

  • Panda

    Well I enjoyed the debate but they haven't come back for over a year. And when I tried to stay on a subject they jumped around. Right now I live amongst wolves many southern bible religions. Yikes right. But my friends always get me talking about the Bible and history. And I get them to read some books I recommend. So it's no where near as bad as the dubs.

  • lv4fer

    We moved here to LV last year and haven't seen any. Well actually my daughter answered the door and they asked if her parents allowed her to pick her own reading material. (She is 16) She said oh no my parents don't let me pick my own reading material, they would be very upset if I took these magazines from you. She told me about it later I would love to debate with them so I said why didn't you take the stuff so they would have returned. Oh well maybe next time. We live in a gated community so I don't think they come through very often.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Right now - if any came - it would be the local Pharasees. Since they would like to 'stone' me if they could.

    It is today just 2 degrees (F) outside. IF they came today - I would step onto the porch and have nice long conversation with them until they started to turn blue - or some limbs started to fall off due to frostbite. I can out talk any of them anyway when it comes to the Bible - I can tolerate the cold much longer than they can -since I work outside in it all the time. Once they went into convulsions, I would suggest they step back into the car and warm up - I will wait for them and we could finish our conversation. If they asked how I could stand the cold - I would tell them that it looks like Jehovah is sustaining me with his Holy Spirit - and since you have been 'appointed by Holy spirit' - I wonder why you are loosing conscienceness while I am eating an icicle off the evespout? I would offer them a cold drink or an ice cream cone before they left, just to be hospitable.


  • mrsjones5

    Do you have a children's ministry? Do you have a sunday school program? Do you have any activites structurted for the children? If you dont have anything like that why should I bring my children there?

    Mrs Jones - who believes it's crazy to expect a child under 5 to sit still for more than 2 minutes.

  • Sunspot

    I live in a very small community and everyone knows that I DFed myself, so no visits!

    It's odd though, after 30 years of loyal obedience---when I just upped and left the WTS---that only ONE sister KIND OF asked (by email-even though she lives close by) not *why* I left, but where would I go now? I wrote back and told her what I knew at the time, but wish I could say more now that I *know* more than I did five years ago. (sigh)

    If I *did* have a chance to ask one question, I think it would be "where is the *biblical proof* that the WTS was examined by Jehovah (or Jesus-or whoever they think did it :-) and found acceptable in 1919? Lets face it-they were practicing a LOT of what is now viewed as Pagan observances and using the cross as a symbol, etc, but were still worthy of approval back then?



  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    "Go ahead punk - Make my day!"

  • Dawn

    The last time they came to my door it went something like this (a portion of the convesation)

    Me - "I believe we shouldn't accept anything as fact without the ability to research the basis on which that "fact" rests - don't you?"

    JW - "yes"

    Me - "You just told me your bible was translated by bible scholars"

    JW - "Yes"

    Me - "who are the scholars? - what are their names?"

    JW - "Their names are not printed here - but I do know they are bible scholars"

    Me - "how do you know? Did you just accept that as fact without the ability to research the basis of that fact?"

    JW - ......"I'll need to look that up for you"

    Me - "great - I look forward to seeing you again"

    Never did see them again.

  • redhotchilipepper

    You are a bunch of anal retentive stalkers who really need to get a life!!! I mean come on people look what time it is! Don't you ever sleep in? I feel sorry for you!

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