I have followed Mario's tragic story from the beginning. Especially in this last battle he is in I have respected very much all your advice to him, especially Xandria, who seems to have people at her availability with a lot of experience in this field.
Mario is certainly dealing with it very well. What I liked mostly about all your advice regarding Marina is that you encouraged him to keep control of Marina legally but also let her believe she has freedom to do what she wants right now. God knows from what he has told us about the grandfather especially, they certainly do not have the best long-term interests for her.
My situation is not nearly as tragic as Mario's but there are some parallels. I was hoping I could get some advice from you guys and others about your thoughts on my situation. Here is one of my topics on it:
One of the things to add to this is that my oldest son, who is ten, has been raised by her mother for the last two-plus years, who is a JW pioneer. My ex-mother-in-law has gone so far as to hurt my four-year-old daughter in the genital area with her knee and brought her to the doctor and told her to tell the doctor that I "pushed her peepee in." Unbelievably when I brought my daughter to The Children's Aid Society regarding that, they determined that I had done nothing of the sort to my daughter and closed the file despite my pleading with them to get the truth from my daughter. (She gave them another story when they interviewed her three days later, that I only did it accidentally. )
Even though the Judge ordered my son to be weened off the JW religion my ex-mother-in-law has done the opposite and even told him that it's daddy that is trying to stop him from becoming a JW (and all the screwed up teachings that go with that... my ex-wife and I are not JW's... we haven't been for about 8 years).
Xandria, based on what you have told Mario, it seems like I am best off trying to cut off completely my ex-mother-in-law's involvement with my son. You said:
I feel the same way about The Children's Aid Society's caseworker's lack of intervention. My son has been manipulated into falsely accusing me of mistreating him, like "grabbing him by the back of the neck". CAS is aware that his "shutting down at school" is the worst case scenario, since it means he cannot even find an "escape" from his situation. However the thing that scares me is that, from my experience with child protection agencies, that if a man tries to get control of the kids he is automatically looked at as being a threat to what is best for the kids (staying with mom). This seems to be Canada's first reaction anyway and I'm worried that going for sole custody could backfire on me.I am very disappointed that the therapists are allowing this manipulation to occur.
If you want me to clarify anything, don't be afraid to ask. What do you all think about the manipulation taht my son is going through? It has to stop. I just don't want my son to have to endure another six months of this shit if I don't convince the Judge this time.
Thanks for your time,