First, the good news: The good news, at least as far as the Watchtower's multitudinous enemies are concerned, is that the Watchtower's days are definitely numbered. The bad news, as far as apostates should be concerned, is that the days for this present system, as we know it, are also of equally short duration.
Since the latest round of the financial crash, the system has been living on hope; hope that somehow the powers that be would turn the markets up out of the spiraling nosedive and avert the dreaded all-out economic crash. For the last few months it seems that "hope" had worked its magic on skittish investors who have previously been scorched for several trillion dollars over the last year or so. Now that 2nd quarter warnings and results are coming in, and in some cases the reality is far worse than even some of the most pessimistic doomers had imagined. This, in spite of the fact that the central banks and other agencies have virtually opened the monetary floodgates in a desperate bid to pump liquidity back into the deflating financial bubbles. Now the "hopers" are calling for a turn-around by year's end. LOL
At any rate, no one can really say how long the game will continue, only that at some point reality will prove overwhelming, at which point the system will definitely terminate abruptly. / You Know