Kingdom Hall for sale on Ebay

by nicolaou 25 Replies latest social current

  • blondie

    That explains it; the CO said that if it weren't for the increase in the Spanish congregations, there would be no increase possibly a decrease in the US.

    Of course, you wonder why 250 seating when the WTS likes to limit congregations to 100 unless Spanish JW families have 5 to 6 kids each which flies in the face of theocratic counsel.

    Makes you wonder how many congregations in Africa are still in grass huts sitting on plastic buckets (as told to me by a visiting African elder)?


  • SwordOfJah

    It is very common to see spanish congregations in the U.S. have 130 to 150 publishers with an attedance from 200 to 250. It's not because they have many children as this is only a stereotype. There are many bible studies that attend meetings. In the congregation I currently attend, we are 120 publishers, with an average attendance of 230. The congregation is currently conducting 170 bible studies. In last year's memorial celebration, we had an attendance of 480. By the way, due to new congregations having been formed in the last 4 years, our territory is extremely small. Our congregation was formed in January, 2004. Not bad for a new congregation!

  • startingover

    Is there any truth to what I have heard about the Spanish congregations, that they are large bacause they don't have enough elders and MS? I heard they don't have enough because they can't make appointments since many of the qualified men are illegals.

  • jwsons

    They have International Construction Group (Professionals) Now selling "church." Quick Build. Selling. Build another one. Sale again. Very soon it becomes Watchtower Buildding Construction and Real Estate Group. :-)


  • Badger

    Spanish congregations are here today, gone tomorrow.

    NE Oklahoma went from zero to its own circuit to 3 congs in a decade. Latinos really hate to see what the WTS demands out of families.

    What's worse (IMO), one of the FC Dallas supporter's clubs disbanded when the two leaders started going to meetings...

  • Eyebrow2

    hey...if I had property to sell, I would put it on ebay...what's wrong with that? It is pretty funny though...the internet being evil and all hahah.

    The real estate agent handling the sale probably did the write up and posted it on ebay...kudos to him...he knows how to market.


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