Some people are pretty easy going. Some are needy. Some are uptight. Others are pretty cool.Now that's if you're a JW or you aren't. But I remember some people that always were looking to go at it with the elders. Always complained. Always upset about s o m e t h i n g.......What kind of person were you??
Were You A Pain In The Ass To The Elders??
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
No - I was one of those elders who gave a pain in the ass to the rest of congo!
I'm very easy going, and I'm content to 'live and let live'. I've always been willing to hear other people's ideas, but I also have a very low tolerence for people who try to impose their opinions on me. Because of the lifestyle I led before I was a JW, there were no elders who were qualified to counsel me, so we were constantly at odds because I would not unquestioningly obey them when they made suggestions. They had some strange idea that they should be respected simply because they were elders, but I don't give my respect to anyone who cannot earn it.
I always tried to be obedient and respectful, but I was amazed how so many people would tell the elders all their personel business and problems. I would never and told my kids not to either, once theyre invited into your private life then they think theve a right to councel and advise you on everything.
They did try to a couple of times but we respectfully told them to mind their own business
So they backed off, but on the whole our elders were good and the PO very much in the background
My daughter has moved into a new cong and cant believe how they are interferring into her life, shes getting real mad. I want to tell them to carry on, keep up the good work hopefully shell come to her senses and tell them to !#"" off
Were You A Pain In The Ass To The Elders??
No, I never had sex with 'em....
Well, no! Because, you know, the elders are to be... er... the "princes of earth"...
I would get on their case when they went 'overtime' on the platform, thereby causing the meeting to end 10-15 minutes over. This is utterly rude and selfish! Many elders have " constipation of thoughts and diarrhea of words."
Country Girl
When I wasn't sitting on their laps, nibbling their ear lobes?
That was my pet peeve---going overtime! Windbags!!