1988--Insight Volumes which are referred regularly in the WT publications as a resource of additional information and as a reference (replaced the Aid to Bible Understanding book released in 1971, 17 years previously)
w03 1/1 p. 28 What Can Help Us to Handle the Word of the Truth Aright? ***
For additional information, see Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah?s Witnesses, Volume 2, pages 1105-8.
w03 6/15 p. 14 Imitate Jehovah, Our Impartial God ***Here, the expression "Greeks" refers to Gentiles in general.?Insight on the Scriptures, published by Jehovah?s Witnesses, Volume 1, page 1004.
1993--Proclaimers book--official JW history (last history book was the 1975 Yearbook 18 years previously and the Divine Purpose book in 1959)
*** w91 2/15 p. 18 "You Were Bought With a Price" ***
Nevertheless, in a preliminary way, the great crowd have already "washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." (Revelation 7:14) Christ does not act as Mediator of the new covenant toward them, yet they benefit from this covenant through the work of God?s Kingdom. Christ still acts toward them, however, as High Priest, through whom Jehovah can and does apply the ransom to the extent of their now being declared righteous as God?s friends. (Compare James 2:23.) During the Millennium, they will gradually "be set free from enslavement to corruption [until finally they] have the glorious freedom of the children of God."?Romans 8:21.
Holy Spirit book chap. 8 pp. 155-156 "Spirit of Life from God Entered into Them" (1976)
Although the "great crowd" are not in the new covenant that Jesus Christ mediated for spiritual Israel, he unites them with the anointed remnant as of "one flock" in one pen.