I have a question, call it a brain fart or what...but I have learned that a former JW friend of mine died recently and the cause of death was acute methadone intoxication...what is methadone exactly used for?
by TresHappy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Heroin addiction. They give it to Heroin addicts to ease the withdrawal.
Damn... that sucks.
Herroin is such a terrible drug.
defective light
I always thought it was a heroin substitute.....for treatment of heroin addiction?
enlighten me.....probably used for other things to...
Heroin addiction. They give it to Heroin addicts to ease the withdrawal.
Not always. My mother had a broken bone in her back, and they put her on it for pain control. It's a very effective pain killer, evidently. Her doctor explained its use to us, very thoroughly. Heroin addiction is just one of its many uses.
You are both right.
It is used for herion (or sinletic herion) users coming off of the stuff ( to avoid shakes,withdrawls,sweats,being sick)and it is also offered as a pain killer to long term cronic pain users( that need long term pain meds). They offer it so that the pain suffer does not get hooked on the "good stuff" in the perks!...
My mom, who has chronic pain used to have methadone prescribed.
Darvocet is a methodone derivative.
The most popular use of it is for Heroin addiction, but it isnt FOR Heroin, as Morton68 touched on "to avoid shakes,withdrawls,sweats,being sick" or whats commonly called the "DT'S" or dope sick. It is really to treat the actual DT's and not the cause of them. It is used for a number of powerfull addictions, from Heroin, Xanax, Morphine, Oxycontin, Meth and a number of prescription pain pills and muscle relaxers. Basically, any drug that induces DT's, it is used for.. To get an understanding of what DT's is like.. if you are a tobacco user, remember the last time that you had a really bad nic fit, when you got really irritable, jittery, your skin flustered, and you could only think about it? Imagine it so bad, that you would literally chew the inside of your gums out, to a bleeding state, you sweated so bad that you might as well have been in the shower, with only the hot water on... the palms of your hands are seeping blood from the incisions your nails have made into them, and if you werent locked into your room, or tied to the bed, you would be out on the streets doing anything you could to make it all go away. Not to mention the agonzing pain in your stomach, that if you had the ability to imagine at the moment, you could very well see an alien embryo bursting its way from your abdomen. In other words, if they put you on Methadone, most likely, its a godsend, as long as you dont get addicted to it...
My grandson's clinic in Galax Va is giving him a dose everyday. It will last over a year. He was on so much dope that it would kill a normal family if they took that much. He decided to get detoxed at this clinic before it killed him. He had to stay about two months and then they are giving him methadone to help in his withdrawal. So far he has been clean for about 5 months. He says he will never touch another dose of drugs. I don't quite understand why it takes so long to withdraw but he says drugs messes up the chemicals in the body so bad that he couldn't function without methadone. Well, I've got to go get ready to take him now.
My stepson, his uncle was on methadone for his back pain, but he liked Oxycontin better, I think it gave a better high than methadone, just my opinion. I wish they both could get off it all.
Ken P.