Looking for someone

by Maxee 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nelly

    I like yours too, what does it mean?
    is it me or has it gone quiet lately, I'm not paranoid really(looks over shoulder to check for smurfs)

  • RedhorseWoman

    Well, see, Nelly, we're all waiting for Waiting to get to her 1,000th post.....see, we've got this surprise party planned....as soon as she reaches 1,000, we're all planning to jump right out of her computer and give her a cake, and presents, and a pony!!! So, shhhhhh......

  • Roamingfeline

    I thought a muzzle would be more appropriate.

    (just kidding, Waiting)


  • waiting


    You are just so jealous of me that you can't stand yourself, can you?

    When I appeared before the draft board examiner during World War II,he asked me if I thought I could kill. "I don't know about strangers," I replied, "but friends, certainly." Oscar Levant

    Just can't wait to see PMS beside my name on a permanent basis (instead of only once a month.)


    Cat!!!! "Et tu, Brutus?" (something like that)

    Edited by - waiting on 7 September 2000 23:0:55

  • nelly

    PMS the mind boggles...Post Menapausal Stress?

  • Tigger

    PMS? hmmm....
    Paranoid Mocking Scepticism?
    Paradoxical Muddled Sentiment?
    I think in Waiting's case it just stands for Posts Much Stuff!!

  • RedhorseWoman

    What? Jealous? Me? How can you say that....here I am planning your party and all. Isn't a pony good enough for you, woman? What? You want the Demon Horse From Hell, is that it? Well, if we can get her on the trailer....she's yours.....she's old, she's cranky, and she knows every equine trick in the book....sounds like a perfect match to me! LOL

  • waiting

    Well, I swear, what women will stoop to out of jealousy just 'cause I get a new title soon.....

    The trouble with her is that she lacks the power of conversation but not the power of speech. George Bernard Shaw

    and another close to me.......

    The best years are the forties; after fifty a man begins to deteriorate, but in the forties he is at the maximum of his villainy. HL Mencken

    It you can't beat 'em - join 'em.


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