I understand you've met my other half - now it's my turn! I feel as though I've known some of you for ages as we've been regular visitors to the board for a long, long time so it's nice to be able to dive in at long last and make contact! Life is good - the disassociation letters went out last November and things are unbelievably quiet, no phone calls, no visits and best of all - nobody rushing up to me in the street begging me to come back. Shunning has really become an art form around here, isn't it amazing how a witness will suddenly become very interested in a shop window when they spot you coming down the street?! It's been a bit trying with at least 4 JW families living within 200 yards - it feels as though you are under a microscope all the time. Still - it's just a case of moving on now and leaving all that behind, fresh start and all that. Pleased to be here and look forward to having on-line arguments with the husband! Only joking - we tend to agree on most things fortunately! (including what a waste of time it was being a regular auxiliary pioneer - just think of all those shoes I wore out!)
I'm new here - sort of.....
by individuals wife 11 Replies latest jw friends
I'd just like to say welcome to the board. There are some great people here, as you've already read.
Looking forward to hearing more from you.
xxx -
<quote> what a waste of time it was being a regular auxiliary pioneeer </quote>
And now you waste your time here.
Make sure you have the biggest Christmas tree of all in your window this year, LOL!
Hello Individual's Wife,
Am I to assume that your husband's tag name is "Individual?"
If not - are you going to let us in on the secret?
I was in the org. for 30 years. My husband, for his entire, miserable (I'm irritated with him right now - can you tell?) life.
We've been out for about a year. *Sigh* - all those shoes......
Ah well, life goes on - and gets better btw!
Nice to meet you and welcome.
Greetings IW
Nice to have you here. It's interesting about the dis letter, how no one bothers you, but really sad how the dubs are programed to shun. They look stupid in front of any one who never heard of such ridicules practices.
Welcome! Looking forward to your posts!
Hello Mrs Individual.
My wife had the pleasure of seeing an elder nearly walk into a car because he was so intent on 'not seeing her' by looking up in the air the other way.
individuals wife
And was this car going at great speed!?!?!
What constantly amazes me is the sheer effort they put into ignoring you, I imagine they go away feeling very smug and self righteous. Little do they know that I am the happiest I think I have ever been right now, likely they are thinking that I am really suffering, really regretting my decision and trying to pluck up the courage to walk back into that hall and fall down on my knees and beg for THEIR forgiveness. Note - I say THEIR forgiveness and not Gods. A few years before I disassociated I had to sit through a judicial committee 'performance' and had a real insight into their way of thinking. (By the way - I had'nt done anything naughty - just dared to go to a meeting after being absent for 9 months - what a welcome back!!) -
Big Jim
Welcome,you will really enjoy the usefull topics and even the not so usefull topics discussed here now especially since you will be able to put in your thoughts.
Looking foward to your post and my hat is off to you for making the move.