JW Coloring Book for Kids

by JAVA 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JAVA

    Here it is folks, a JW coloring book for kids. Your kids can color Cain killing Abel, too:

    As found at http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8773/cb7.html

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • VeniceIT

    Man THAT'S SICK!!! ya JW crayons come with 3 times as many red crayons hahahhahahha!!!

    Ohh and the Kingdum Hellodies are a nice touch (EEWWWWW flashbacks)


    "I'm not a Troll I'm NOT!!!'

  • logical

    How long before the message I left on the guestbook gets deleted?

  • MuzicmanCa

    That has to be about the most horrible thing I have ever seen. I don't see anything wrong with kids coloring some pictures from the rosier scenes of the bible... but a blatant murder scene...Good lord, what was the person thinking?!? I mean, it's just so strange being all nice and cozy Christian-like...and then coloring pictures of someone getting killed...it's just bizarre....Gives me the creeps...


  • Billygoat

    I wager it takes 24 hours for it to be deleted! Any other takers???


  • LDH

    ummm it's already gone Log.

  • logical

    I couldnt get the guestbook on the colouring pages to work, so I signed the one on the main page:

    > http://mercury.guestworld.tripod.lycos.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=ShersPlace

  • JAVA

    Muzicman & Ven,

    I couldn't agree more with your assessements. The Witnesses go nuts if their kids watch the Smurfs, but see nothing wrong with kids coloring a murder scene. We shouldn't be too surprised if the parents pray for the day when God murders billions not selling The Watchtower.

    counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • fodeja


    Now get this - "Sher" apparently deleted all the outright criticisms of the Cain-Abel picture. But "Faithful"'s guestbook entry is still there, in spite of being _very_ obvious sarcasm.

    I guess it goes to show that fanatics can't handle sarcasm. It's completely beyond them.


    Wednesday 07/11/2001 10:47:26am
    Name: Faithful
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Homepage Title: Find true Happiness in Jehovah
    Homepage URL: http://home.c2i.net/norman/wonderfu.htm
    Referred By: Search Engine
    Hello my friend!

    What a wonderful page! Your loving provisions for the theocratic forming of our children are truly
    a blessing indeed. May Jehovah's new light keep getting brighter for you; may your days be filled
    with countless return visits and an abundance of placed magazines!

    Do you think you could include the pictures at the URL above? That would be sooo wonderful. My
    children would love them, I'm sure, and it would teach them to fear and obey our caring God,

    And please remember, we have always been at war with Oceania.

    Buckets of agape,

    your faithful brother

  • mommy

    Oh man Java!
    I don't know how I missed this post. This is sick, I tell ya! I don't even think there are kids coloring books out there that depict murder scenes. Disgusting.

    Sorry I didn't get to see your reply Logical, it is gone.

    HAHAH you are one sick puppy...lol I love it!

    Buckets of agape love

    In a controversy the instant we feel anger, we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.

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