So I was just wonderin' if anyone has ever heard of someone getting BANNED from the kingdom hall. My dad who was a very looked up to elder before my parents divorce and allways a very devout JW recently got banned from the kh, this is the 1st time hearing of someone getting banned, see this elder was talkin to his new wife a little too much and he thought they were gettin a little too close and he told this dude to back off and he didnt so this elder had a talk one night and my dad stood up in the middle of the hall right as this dude got on stage and announced that he better stay away from his wife, he was asked to leave and he refused so they called the cops on him and the cops came right in and escorted him out. So anywho they wont let him come back, they didnt df him or reprove him or anything just banned his ass-way to go dad, probably the best thing that ever happened to him, too bad he allready wasted 2/3 of is life in that sh*t. So has anyone else ever heard of getting banned?-april
Banned from the Kingdom Hall?
by devinsmom 28 Replies latest jw friends
Yes indeed!
One example was in this thread recently:
Other than that, I know that in my own case that is so. Mind you, it's not on my list of "must dos"!!!!!
I prefer freedom.
Cheers, Ozzie
They called the police? Aren't witnesses supposed to take care of their business among themselves?
They're casting shame upon Jehoover's Name.Anyway, they must have noticed that your father was "too smart for his own good". I supposed that the REAL reason behind that is that he was making uncomfortable questions about the "faithful and discreet slave".
Actually, in this area, the brothers have been told not to physically remove people from the hall but to call the police. If he stood up in the middle of a meeting and made what they might interpret as a threatening statement and then refused to leave....yeah I think they would call the police. He probably scared the bejeebers out of them. I heard of this happening in a KH where the non-JW boyfriend came to the hall and stood up during the meeting and complained about the JWs taking away his girlfiend (I guess she made him move out). The police were involved in that one.
Otheriwise, if people quietly attend and speak at the times permitted, I haven't seen anyone banned.
Yes in Western Nations do not think they have the right to ban anyone if one is behaving oneself
I'm banned from the KH.
What happened?
They df me for apostacy and every scripture they quoted to me for basis of their actions I would interupt while they were passing sentence and show them how they were misusing it. They said that I could come to meetings but I would not be able to talk to any one there,, I told them they can't tell me not to talk to anyone and that I will talk to whoever I want. So I let a couple of months pass after my df'n,,and then went to different congregation meeting and after the meeting I started talking to the freinds and the elders came up right while I was talking to these different ones and told them I was DF'd and not to talk to me, I told them sarcastically,"wow, you just had a nice WT study about showing love, i guess you might as well flush that study right down the toilet". That week I went to the congregation where I was df'd sat in the front row. I was quiet and peaceful but one of the elders sat next to me and was harasing me( he's about 6' 5" 300+lbs)(I'm only 5'7" 170lbs) while I was minding my own business. since he was right in my face I told him he was an asshole and he told me to leave and that my priviledge to attend meetings had been suspended. I refused the elders called the cops and i was arrested for tresspassing. It was a $50. fine. I had him arrested for assault the police hand cuffed him and he started crying like a big overgrown Baby Hewie, but all the elders stuck together and said he did not so the police released him.
I have heard of elders following certain people around the hall; making it uncomfortable. I figure if I want to talk to someone who goes to the KH that I'd have a better chance of doing it by calling them at home or making an appointment with them. If they want to talk with you, they will do it then. Otherwise it becomes like harrassment if the individual JWs there don't want you talking to them.
So why did you want to go to the KH then? To see a family member?
I figure it is their KH, their rules but away from the KH you should have a better chance of talking to the ones who want to.
Love, Blondie
I wanted every one to know what I was df'd for because the elders like to keep this sort of thing quiet,, I wanted the friends to have something to gossip about, perhaps to just put a seed of thought in their heads. And I was pissed because I lost all my family after 29 years of service,,I had nothing to lose.