Mario Utopian Reformist isn't responding to phone calls. Pls help find him.

by hubert 55 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Brummie
    it's a "Mom thing"

    Too cool

    x x


  • NewLight2


    Please let us know you are all right!


  • keeshah

    Excuse me... worried lurker here who has been following this whole thing in silence...

    I seem to remember someone said that a person was taking his calls for him? What did she have to say? Does she know anything???

  • SheilaM

    Kee: She answered said she was an answering service for Mario, I told her we were concerend she indicated that she was taking messages. I left my name and number and told her we were from Missouri, she said "Oh ya" and then wished me Happy Holidays and I said "Merry Christmas" and she said "thank you very much". I felt that I didn't know her and chose not to disclose anything .....I can try again if you would like?

  • bebu

    Sheila... I for one would be very grateful if you could call again. You might need to explain to her that there is a great deal of concern for his health and safety...



  • Special K
    Special K

    I vote that SheilaM give another call.


    Special K

  • keeshah

    Thank you Shiela.

    If you don't mind me asking, what part of Missouri are you from? I was raised in the Buffalo congregation.

  • hubert

    Well, I got good news.

    Mario called me at 10:30 this morning, est.

    Unfortunately, I was at work, and my boss was right there, so I couldn't talk for more than a minute. He said he was back from Pennsylvania. He went to see a relative there for a few days.I said I was glad he was okay, and told him to call me this evening. He said he would.

    So, It looks like I over reacted. Sorry, friends. If only I had a number of where to reach him, this wouldn't have happened. He was scheduled to meet with me the day he left, if you remember. That's why I was so concerned, and especially him talking about "making it one more day".

    So, I hope some of you forgive me. It won't happen again. I'm glad he's safe, and I plan to get more contact info from him, if I can, in case he disappears from us again. Next time, at least I'll know he's okay.

    Sincerely, Hubert

  • Mulan

    So happy. Wonderful news.

  • WildHorses

    Thanks Hubert, I'm glad he's ok.

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