Both my husband and myself only got baptized to keep our parents off our backs. Nag, nag, nag! Isn't it time you got baptized? What will people think? I was sixteen and he was eighteen. I wasn't even interested in doing something so stupid but I did understand the shunning consequences if I chose to leave which is why I stayed in for so long, and probably why so many others stay in for so long.
Opinions on Age of Baptismal Candidates
by redskymedic 25 Replies latest jw friends
I find it incredibly hypocritical when the Borg criticizes the Catholic Church for "infant baptism", always citing that Jesus was 30 when he got baptized. Well, allowing 10 and 11 year olds to make such a life-altering decision is no better than the CC as far as I'm concerned. Someone said that they "encourage" young baptism because it's a "protection". I say it's just another scam to try and force people to stay in the Organization or face horrible consequences. It's the same reason the allow teenage marriages.
I was 14 when I got baptized. I hadn't a clue what I was doing.
I would suggest that people stop being baptised into the JW cult altogether. 110 is too young if you are ignorant.
Amen to everyone! I was 11 when I got baptised and only did it because I thought it would make the rents sooooo proud. I was barely aloud to pick out my own clothes, why should I have been able to make a decision that could possibly make all my friends and family shun me later in my life?
Baptism is definatly as serious as a commitment as marriage in my opinion so like marriage why should anyone be allowed to make such a serious commitment before becoming an adult? Nuf said-April
I think it is terrible when some parents make baptism a condition of living at home after 18. Now I can see if they don't want their adult children living at home and smoking or having sex outside marriage under their roof but otherwise...Even non-JW parents have such rules too.
Making baptism a condition of their accepting and loving their adult children, is not being the Christian they claim to be.
I have seen in the last few years about 95% of such children either end up DF'd or becoming inactive.
Blondie (baptized at 16)
I forgot where i read this but,Is it true that the more studies you have resulting in dedication,increases your chance of making elder or co?