Thanks for sharing the link!
My '04 would not have been complete without that pic!!
LOL Good One!
by Englishman 17 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for sharing the link!
My '04 would not have been complete without that pic!!
LOL Good One!
Any "Private Eye" cover!
How about this American Cowboy? He looks like some Nesfaratu / Neo (from the Matrix)/ John Wayne crossover....
Scary pic, that one...
holy crap, Englishman!
holy crap.
Sorry E-man, for hijacking your thread. :-(
Here you are guys....our fearless leader in "action". BTW, I know that due is checking his fly but what's going on with the "nut to butt" deal?
I guess Monica Lewinsky has a couple of protegees.
that "nut to butt" guy should be FIRED!