I just have some questions.

by FanofStoudemire 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Eyebrow2

    Some of us had bad personal experiences, and some of us did not agree with the JW dogma any longer after looking at the bible for ourselves.

    The thing is, JWs are not allowed to read anything that the Watchtower & Tract Society consider "apostate". And they consider anything that doesn't agree with the JW doctrine to be apostate. So what that means is that if JWs have questions about the bible, they are required to always go to a JW source. And if they get caught reading apostate literature, or websites...including THIS one, they can be reprimanded, or even worse, disfelloweshipped- which is like excommunication fro the organization. In many cases, if that happens, their JW family and friends will no longer associate or even speak to them.

    For me, I left several years ago because I felt that overall, the JW dogma was not in line with real life. However, I don't think they are much worse than most religions, becuase most religions tell you you have to live and think a certain way. Many on this board beleive JW is a cult. I don't agree with that opinion, but do respect the opinions of those that do. The thing about JW religion is that you really do have to be a very active member to be in good standing with the congregation. On one hand, there are many congregations that make it seem worthwhile, a lot of instant friends, etc....but if you mess up, you can lose all that. I don't like conditional love, and I don't think, to a certain extent, it has any place in families.

    I must say, that I have not found any other religion that I would want to be a part of either. That is okay for me. Some here on the board have found other religions they are more comfortable with, or believe jive more with the Bible.

    I think it is great that you are seeking out answers from those that have been there. As far as finding an active JW board that has only active JWs, I am not sure where to guide you, because the Watchtower Society frowns on these boards. The ones I have read in the past have either closed down, or are very difficult to gain entry into.

    If anyone knows of any active JW boards, please post them.

    Good luck with your research.

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