Brownboy....I'm gonna go to bed now. Maybe someone else will stay up late and pick on ya cuz I'm beat!
Night night.
by Brownboy 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brownboy....I'm gonna go to bed now. Maybe someone else will stay up late and pick on ya cuz I'm beat!
Night night.
Have a good night Gumby,
Brownboy, you chose your screen-name wisely.
Perhaps, after you clear your eyes from shoving your head up your colon and looking at the world through your bellybutton, you might, just might, see the light of day.
Brownboy, all those scriptures have been fullfilled upon the first century christains.Even the Watchtower of Jan.15,1970 page 43 states" All of Matthew 24 was fullfilled upon Jerusalem in 70CE" And Jesus never said the Prophecy had a greater fullfillment.That is what the Watchtower said.Where did they read it at in the Bible if it has a greater fullfillment?They never read it anywhere.They are saying what the Bible does not say and you know what the Bible says about adding to God's Word. If you don't know what it says, read Rev.22:18-Deut.4:2 and Prov.30:6.Any sincere person can see they are a cult! Goodnight Brownboy.
Brownboy, all those scriptures have been fullfilled upon the first century christains.Even the Watchtower of Jan.15,1970 page 43 states" All of Matthew 24 was fullfilled upon Jerusalem in 70CE" And Jesus never said the Prophecy had a greater fullfillment.That is what the Watchtower said.Where did they read it at in the Bible if it has a greater fullfillment?They never read it anywhere.They are saying what the Bible does not say and you know what the Bible says about adding to God's Word. If you don't know what it says, read Rev.22:18-Deut.4:2 and Prov.30:6.Any sincere person can see they are a cult! Goodnight Brownboy.
Where is the Kingdom of God? Do you see it established upon the earth yet? Are not people talking about the return of Christ? Not all scripture has been fulfilled.............many have been fulfilled while people were sleeping, and not staying on the watch. Therefore, keep on the watch.
Brownboy the liar:
Which prophecy in the above scriptures has not been fulfilled?
Verses 27-35. People like you have fulfilled verses 23-26.
7 And when they have finished their witnessing, the wild beast that ascends out of the abyss will make war with them and conquer them and kill them. 8 And their corpses will be on the broad way of the great city which is in a spiritual sense called Sod´om and Egypt, where their Lord was also impaled. 9 And those of the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their corpses for three and a half days, and they do not let their corpses be laid in a tomb. 10 And those dwelling on the earth rejoice over them and enjoy themselves, and they will send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those dwelling on the earth.
And after the three and a half days spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon those beholding them. 12 And they heard a loud voice out of heaven say to them: "Come on up here." And they went up into heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them. 13 And in that hour a great earthquake occurred, and a tenth of the city fell; and seven thousand persons were killed by the earthquake, and the rest became frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven.14
The second woe is past. Look! The third woe is coming quickly.15
And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven, saying: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever."These scriptures have also been fulfilled, therefore keep on the watch. There are more than one fulfillments of prophecy as a witness to the nations, and an establishment of truth.
the faithful and discreet slave
the faithful and discreet slave
Is that your signature? A slave to indefensible interpretations of ancient myths you may be, but you seem neither faithful nor discreet. Still, you're fulfilling prophecy, right? (Luke 21:8)
Is that your signature? A slave to indefensible interpretations of ancient myths you may be, but you seem neither faithful nor discreet. Still, you're fulfilling prophecy, right? (Luke 21:8)
There are parallels to everything written. That is all the information you are deserving of. People with little faith will receive little. This is also written.
People with little faith will receive little.
I have lots of faith, Stevie. Will you tell me the rest of the story. Pleeeeease?