I had a brief discussion with my wife about the practice of shunning and I asked her if the act of associating with a DF'ed or "apostate" individual would get someone disfellowshipped. She denied that it would, saying that it was not included among the specific "disfellowshipping offenses" listed in the Bible. Yet my understanding is that there are many things that can get a JW disfellowshipped which aren't among the immoral practices specifically listed by Paul in that context. Here are my questions:
1. Is my wife pulling one over on me? Will associating with an apostate or disfellowshipped person currently get someone disfellowshipped? If so, is there any kind of documentation on this?
2. Is there a listing of official "disfellowshipping offenses" and/or "non-disfellowshipping offenses" in use by the elders or are they couseled to use their own discretion? If so, is such a listing available for viewing somewhere? Are they embedded in various WT publications?