.....a marriage mate, a mate to come into the "truth", "new light", etc........??????
What Did You "Wait" On Jehovah For?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
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An answer as to whether this was actually the "truth."
hmm. guess ya found out.
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I was waiting on him to cure my depression. He took too long LOL.
An answer as to whether this was actually the "truth."
I second that.
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Not to get off topic, but did the depression subside when you left the JW's (assuming you have in some form or another)?
I know my brother and sil still are "waiting for Jehovah to fix things." That's been about 15 plus years,.
OAA, it comes and goes, but I never get so depressed I am suicidal anymore. In general I deal with it much better than I used to. That could be more that my hormones have settled down than anything else.
numerous things, Mini.........answers to puzzling questions I had about the "truth"........Jehovah to rescue me and my mom and sis from my abusive father............to show me how to deal with the overwhelming depression I suffered for over twenty years..........those are some of the bigger ones that jump immediately to my mind.........there are tons of smaller things, I could go on about.......someone else's turn!