Are people ' spiritually raped ' by Jehovah's Witnesses?
Thanks M.N.
by Tigerman 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Are people ' spiritually raped ' by Jehovah's Witnesses?
Thanks M.N.
My mom used that expression when the Circuit Overseer removed her as a Regular Pioneer after many decades of service....Appropriate term.
Strong term. I wouldn't apply it to myself, as my experiance, as awful as it was, was consentual. I did have a fling once, going to a pentacostal church a few years ago (spiritual adultery?). A friend from work (knew I was JW) invited me. I was starting to get a little open minded at the time, so I accepted the invite. Not for me thanks. I guess it was a one night stand. Right now, I'm just a spiritual wanker.
I think in a way that is a good term for it. We were all told that the organization was given a divine nod of approval by Christ in 1918 right? We were all told that the separating work was to be done by JW's right? We were all told that certain doctrines, practices, and dogmatic positions were unasailable, and that is what made Jw's differ from the churches right?
I think I feel raped at times when I think of the decades I gave to a thankless corporate empire in Brooklyn.
Just My Opinion
My husband recently told me that it was like he was being spiritually raped when I would want to discuss anything WT related,
ie that week's study, or why he lies to me.
When he says NO and I press, that is rape.
He says its ok to talk about these things to strangers, but not his wife.
Oh yeah, and you all are boneheads, esp blondie
Are people ' spiritually raped ' by Jehovah's Witnesses?
Yep. I think that's why so many, when they leave, are angry. There is a violation, of trust, of an innocent belief in God that is warped and twisted for someone else's ends.
One thing many victims of rape feel is rage at the thought someone else used their body without their consent. Jehovah's Witnesses used our spirituality, trust, belief to control and sell their stupid literature.
I think it is a sensitive subject for those who are still "living it".
I am so far away from that "fading " stage that I can laugh at it. But due to the sensitivity of the subject I will refrain from any sarcasm.
It is an appropriate term though.
When ANY belief system shrinks and reduces the Divine into a person or thing separate and so helps hide our true and present Divinity and wholeness, "Spiritual rape" would seem a fitting term.
When I was coerced into being baptized at the age of 12 I felt that I was lied to just like those folks that told their kids about santa clause and the tooth fairy! Is it "spiritual" rape or just emotional and intellectual blackmail.. Frankly looking back, I know of nothing in my Jw experiance that was the least bit spiritual.
A striking thought went through my mind upon reading Carmel's comment. Neither did I (notice anything spiritual)! I can't believe I have forgotten this!! I did think I felt some "spirit." in churches I attended prior to the KH. I don't know why this didn't bother me at the time. Probably because I was told that those feelings were from Satan, and the eager student I was chose to believe this. Off comment, somewhat, but I felt compelled to respond.