In 2015....

by Gill 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    Gill, Most former Witnesses that I know left because:

    1. They were kicked out . .

    2. They became inactive for various reasons and were pushed about it . .

    3. They lost the ability to believe in the concept due to a large disconfirmation like the 1975 experience for me.

    4. They were socially snubbed or insulted.

    5. They had too many personality conflicts with the Witness people.

    I just made this short list as I thought of the items and the weight of the order not relevant.

    In my opinion the only strategy I have seen that works at all on Witnesses is to shun them and never talk religion or Witnessism with them ever.

    Shunning them does two things for me.

    1. It gives me some relief.

    2. It makes them have to apply to me for reinstatement to my life.

    If every Witness in the world were whisked off in a rapture or if they all converted to Catholic, I would never know it. I don't have one Witness in my life and I don't miss or want a relationship with any of them. Let them go pedal their papers:-) They were mean and ugly to me and my family. I don't like them.


  • garybuss

    Heathen, How many magazines print in the introduction that they are not dogmatic? The Watchtower magazine did until 1964! In 1964 they must have given it some thought and realized the publication is in fact dogmatic. Read the purpose statement. The purpose of the Watchtower magazine has changed over the years according to the statement. Ever ask a Witness why?

    Dogmatic means "opinion stated as fact". Where are their facts? If they state something as fact and it is opinion . . . it's dogmatic. All the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation's assumptions are dogmatically stated. The statement that they are not dogmatic is dogmatic. lol

    In 2003 the corporation showed it's awareness of the concept:

    *** w03 6/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***
    "Although we cannot be dogmatic, it would appear that neither Satan nor his demons have the ability to read our thoughts."


  • heathen

    LMAO@garybus --- I just love the way you cut to the chase on this stuff .

    The statement that they are not dogmatic is dogmatic. lol

    ooohhhhhhhhhh that's classic .

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