If I'm not mistaken (and let's face it, I'm not) Sassy hasn't posted here since Christmas day. You must be thinking of someone else. Very precise about the numbers but you can't even get the poster's name right? In any case, you shouldn't assume that nobody cares or nobody gave simply because discussion here is not dominated by the topic.
by azaria 41 Replies latest jw friends
I think it is hard to measure personal involvement from a JW discussion board. Not everyone who lurks, registers. Not everyone who reads a post responds to it.
I hope for the best in people. There are links on every newspage for giving to the Red Cross, Northwest Medical teams, etc. If folks' compassion overcomes their feeling of cynicism and sorrow, then there WILL be a response.
If it makes you feel better: our family has a late Christmas gathering each year with a gift exchange. In lieu of gifts to each other, we all quickly agreed that donations to the tsunami victims would be more appropriate. So that's 6 families making donations.
Azaria, thanks for your caring, which I know is at the heart of your appeal.
Azaria, If you lived in America and paid taxes you would be giving a portion of the $100 million in aid from the US and Japan. The amount of money and volunteers sent from the US ALWAYS out weighs other nations. So as US citizens that's one way we show we care. People w/o training are not really helping by going over to SE ASIA. We cannot bring back the 80,000 people who have perished or are on the missing list. The bulldozers are burying the bodies as we speak (because of the disease which will be the secondary killer) AND India has begun vaccinations for the expected epidemics. Right now it isn't so much the money as the desparately needed supplies... fresh water, vaccinations, medicines, antibiotics, insect repellent, bleach ... you name it. And those are already arriving free of charge from places like ... well you know.
If you think we don't care and don't give then you are wrong. Why one particular person who posts to send money is the gauge by which you measure (and you have done some measuring now haven't you) then you really haven't spent enough time on this board to judge. Yeah I said judge because that's what you are doing. Just like the congregations of JWs.
Your post is completely out of order and I am amazed at your attitude. Some of us give and have given without needing to announce it with a fanfare. Some like the WTS, cannot give without publicising their acts of 'kindess'.
There are numerous sites set up on the Internet that are taking donations, the preferred method of help, and these take credit cards and cheques. Some of us have already given without needing to announce it to the world.
The Tsunami disaster is all over the news - TV - Radio - papers - and it is impossible to miss it.
There are several actions to collect money.
As far as I am concerned, I think that the offically help-organisations are better equipt then any unoffical good-willing amateur. For help - in what way - I don't depent on this board, and to be honest, I don't think that this board is ment for it.
p.s If I?m wrong please respond. I want to believe that some give but do no state so.
I'm sure that's the case. Internet banking makes donating just as easy as making a post here.
Pole -
I'm going to be fairly blunt about this, so forgive me ahead of time, but I don't know how to say it any other way.
Why is it ANY of your business what type of aid people give, monetary or otherwise? How much? Or if they give any? Are you the donation police? I understand wanting to round up the troops to help someone, but this really isn't the way to do it. The people on this board are the most gracious, generous, and loving people I know. Most of us are decent enough to NOT blatantly state the dollar amount of what we give or who we give it to on a public forum about JW recovery. I'm sure there are dozens or even hundreds of people here who are giving somehow. Remember the Pharisees who did everything for show? Most of us hate that mentality. We're no longer under the authority of someone watching over how much we spend on what. We live our lives without the elders, thank you very much.
Andi - *stepping off the soapbox*
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine.
Giving and bragging dont go hand in hand yeah, i saw it on CNN, FoxNews, CBS, ABC, read about it in yesterday's and today's paper, and heard it on XM radio. thank god you are here to keep me informed. Some of us give to charities all the time and this place is not to be judged on what we do as individuals for charitable works. Your post is completely out of order and I am amazed at your attitude. Some of us give and have given without needing to announce it with a fanfare. Some like the WTS, cannot give without publicising their acts of 'kindess'.
There are numerous sites set up on the Internet that are taking donations, the preferred method of help, and these take credit cards and cheques. Some of us have already given without needing to announce it to the world. Why is it ANY of your business what type of aid people give, monetary or otherwise? How much? Or if they give any? Are you the donation police? Mmmm, what THEY all said. People forget all the time that most do not depend on this site to keep us abreast of worldwide news & what we should do with ourselves & our money.
Azaria is just panicing bless her, she forgets that we all are. This tragedy is heartbreaking, I see people holding on for dear life and the fear on their face as they are then being swept away and as a grown man I cry, the last place I run to is this DB to see who is being critised or who else is giving. Dont judge the response being given here, the WT hasnt even crossed many of our minds, it is so insignificant when one turns on the TV and see's such a gut churning crisis.
For those who have given, god bless, for those who have not, god bless you too for surely you have nothing and must be living in poverty.