"What make matters worse is when these people are part of a organization that encourages gaps between the haves and have nots, or the weak and the strong, or the rich and the poor, gossip becomes the primary tool to put some one else down and at the same time elevating the gossiper."
Congregation gossip - Why so rampant?
by OUT and about 24 Replies latest jw friends
Granny Linda
Perhaps for the same reason gossip can become rampant anywhere. Human nature, judgement, thinking we know what the other person "needs" in their life, not liking someone for whatever reasons, and a lack of forgiveness.
And it's hardly just in the KH you'll find such behaviour.
When does gossip become slander?
Congregation gossip - Why so rampant?
Because it is a cult. In any group where you have insecure people, you will have gossip, but cults encourage it through strict rules and isolation.
The "New World Society" had many talks and articles about how wrong it was to gossip, but they sent a mixed message. At the same time they encouraged people to rat on each other to the elders, and to even report themselves for their own "secret faults." It was for the good of the congregation (cult) in order to keep the congregation (cult) clean. We were told it was vitally important to watch ourselves and each other for any signs of a mistep, or Jehovah's spirit would be withheld from the congregation. We weren't to tolerate secret faults, hide treasure under our tent, or cover up wrongdoing. I hear they even put it on video, but I had DAed by then.
That mentality was drilled into us, even in our youth. I once reported something to my mother that I saw a Witness child do at school (eat a valentine candy). I was reported on by other witness children when I did something "wrong."
So they can talk all they want about gossip being bad, but they foster the environment in which it thrives.
OUT and about
Thank you all for your comments!!
Pratt, Granny, and others who rightfully point out that JW's are not alone in gossip: How right that is. I experiance it daily at work. The distinction is that JW's not only preach against such behaviour, they ask you to examine all religions for fruits of the spirit. One of these is brotherly love. Gossiping is certainly contrary to that. I'm no expert, but in the Catholic and Protestant churches I attended before I became JW, I saw MUCH less (albeit some) gossiping. I never saw this when studying, as JW's tend to be on their best behavior around budding converts. Had I known about the gossiping while I was studying, it would have disproved one of their key arguments as to why they are the true religion. Think about it.
OUT and about
........... At the same time they encouraged people to rat on each other to the elders, and to even report themselves for their own "secret faults." ......
Thanks for your insight. The brothers and sisters my age were pretty good about protecting information about each others actions that could be damaging (drinking, drugs, porn and other sexual misconduct). The funny thing is how some would beat themselves up about reporting THEMSELVES. I remember staying up late one night discussing this with a very good friend of mine (still talk to him). As I was already inactive, I chose not to offer any advice, as my views and his were differing, and even in that state, I didn't want to be what JW's would consider a negative influence. I did wonder why if you had gotten away with something (and this happened to him before baptism). would you want to make an issue of it. Especially if you really were repentant in your heart?