In an informal announcement at Service Meetings this week (corroborated by the Question Box in the January 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry, pg 7) JWs interested in contributing to the Asian tsunami disaster should contribute directly to the "Worldwide Work" (the general fund).
The entire article referenced above:
I sense the WTS is about to profit handily from this horrible tragedy.What is the best way to make contributions for the benefit of needy brothers in other lands?
At times, we hear about brothers in another land who have come into material need because of persecution, disaster, or other difficult circumstances. Some brothers have been moved to send funds directly to the branch offices in such lands, requesting that the money be used to help a certian individual, a particular congregation, or a designated building project. -2 Cor. 8:1-4.
While such loving concern for fellow believers is commendable, often there are needs that are more urgent than those the contributor has in mind. In some cases, the designated need has been already cared for. Of course, we can be confident that when contributions are sent to the local branch office for the worldwide work, the Kingdom Hall Fund, or disaster relief, those donated funds will be used as directed by the contributor.
The brothers in all the branches have been throughly trained to respond quickly to unanticipated needs. In all cases, the branch keeps the Governing Body informed regarding the matter. If additional assistance is needed, the Governing Body may invite nearby branches to help or funds may be sent directly from headquarters. -2 Cor. 8:14,15.
Therefore, all contributions intended for the worldwide work, building projects in other lands, or disaster relief should be sent to the branch office in the land in which you live, either through the congregation or directly. In this way, "the faithful and discreet slave," through the organizational arrangements set in place by the Governing Body, cares for the needs of the worldwide brotherhood in an orderly manner. -Matt. 24:45-47; 1 Cor. 14:33,40.