Facts and reality can get so distorted in the Witness subculture that huge blind spots
are created. As the current saying goes, "they just don't get it". I freely confess that these
following situations used to baffle me too - until some measure of good sense took over after
I quit as an elder.
Mystery number one:
What's the big deal about Christmas?
In many areas, giving up Christmas was the number one "deal-breaker" - that
prevented Bible Studies from coming in the "truth". We used to wonder how it was possible
that tinsel and presents once a year seemed more important than maybe needing a blood
transfusion someday! Why was Christmas so important?
Answer: to put it bluntly, giving up Christmas - and other holidays EQUALS GIVING UP
YOUR FAMILY! For countless folks, it's just that simple! In our fast paced world, Holidays
are often the ONLY OPPORTUNITY you have to visit your relatives and friends - Mom and Dad
both have to work, Johnny has a part time job at Burger King and so on.
Add to this the loss of family traditions - often observed during holidays - and it quickly
becomes crystal clear why so many "interested" people turn away from becoming Jehovah's
Mystery number two:
After so much false expectation, how can you believe in the organization?
Most Witnesses aren't bothered by encountering a laundry list of Watchtower sponsored
scandal, pseudo-science and outright false prophecy. They just say "the organization
is made up of imperfect men" and don't think about it. The reality that they refuse to
If you doubt the above, then say to the Witness who ignores Watchtower errors, "Well
then, the Watchtower makes mistakes, right? Sometimes they screw up, falsely predict
the future and hurt people, right?". At this point, the average Witness will begin to say
that such "expectations" weed out people who "aren't really faithful" - or , in other words,
THEY NEVER MADE ANY MISTAKE AT ALL - because such errors really serve God's
purpose - somehow.
The blind spot is that - regardless of rationalizations, wrong is wrong. If they've been
wrong for 120 years, you simply can't rely on anything they say. It's that simple.
and the final mystery:
Why are the friends such children? What's wrong with them?
Elders lament privately about this one a lot. So does the Society, actually.
The Kingdom Ministry has to tell them (yearly) not to cook in hotel rooms during the
assemblies, not to let their out-of-control kids bother guests by the pool and so on.
Brothers are endlessly reminded to put business agreements in writing, magazine
presentations are written out word for word each month ( the latest KM is full of
word for word presentations that bracket the words [Allow for reply] repeatedly- it's a hoot!)
Even elders are reminded...... Never Counsel a Sister Alone ... what are they, idiots?
The blind spot here is that if you treat people like children ( or morons), they act like
children. It's a feedback loop of dependence. Isn't it funny how "maturity" equates
into a slavish child-like dependency in this organization?
Add to the above, the fact that countless Witnesses are DOMINATED by a fantasy-led
mind set and their behavior isn't a surprize anymore. Such as:
marrying a sister you met on the internet after two weeks of knowing her
marrying/importing a Russian sister - who dumps you a week after getting her 'green card'
insisting that "Jehovah will provide" - while your 'worldly' relatives support your family
proclaiming that your meek suburban parents are secret Satan worshippers
thinking that buying a lottery ticket will fund your retirement
I could go on and on. The mysteries of the "truth" disappate when you know the real
truth. A lot of the above was a wonderment to me, too at one time. Now, the thought
of "what the heck was I thinking" reminds me of the need to be humble.