Second: WW1 could NOT have fulfilled Jesus' prophecy, because it didn't produce the right result. The international war that Jesus spoke of has to result in the death of the wild beast (death-stroke). WW1 didn't cause such a death-stroke, simple as that!What death-stroke is it that you are talking about? Do you care to be more specific about that?--Brad.
I'm talking about the death-stroke mentioned there in Revelation 13. It's also referred to as a sword-stroke, thus implying that it's caused by warfare. Some who study the Bible understand Matthew 24:7 and Revelation 6 to be the same prophecy, described in literal terms in the first case but in symbolic terms in the latter. I personally believe that the predicted international war Jesus spoke of is what will cause the death-stroke which the wild beast is to experience. A close examination of the scriptures reveals that it's the 7th head of the wild beast that is to be the recipient of this death-inducing blow, which renders the wild beast lifeless. At an earlier time the WTS taught that the recipeint of the death-stroke was the 6th head, but later corrected it to be the 7th head. Although they're now correct about which head gets the axe, they're wrong with regards to it already having been accomplished. They assume that it happened in 1914 as a result of World War 1. The fact is that no such death-stroke has come about yet. War World 1 certainly didn't fulfill Jesus prediction, because that war didn't produce a death-stroke ... it didn't result in the death of the wild beast ... thus, as I said earlier, it didn't produce the right results.
Edited to Add: I did ask you earlier, Schizm, if you only selectively take certain teachings of the WTBTS. You did not respond. I am going to assume that you still agree with the basics, though. Can you let me know which ones you disagree with and what your new thoughts on them are?
I must've overlooked you having asked that. Yes I still embrace the basic teachings of the WTS, such as no immortal soul; earth to become a paradise; only 144,000 to go to heaven.
Insofar as the WTS's teaching on blood, I believe it to be erroneous. Insofar as the WTS's teaching that people who die at Armageddon will never have another chance at life, I believe it to be erroneous also. I no longer believe in the 1914 doctrine, and everything that hinges on that date. I still believe that members of the 144,000 are to be found amid Jehovah's Witnesses. However, I don't believe that this class of Christians will remain forever in heaven as does the WTS.
There are probably other areas of agreement and/or disagreement between myself and the teachings of the WTS. Hope that what I've revealed about myself satisfies your curiosity somewhat.