Since he believes that he's one of the two witnesses of Rev. 11, he ought to be able to tell us the name of his compatriot. They will both die together in the same city. Vs. 8. But, , we don't hear anything at all from the other witness. Wonder why that is.
by Brownboy 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Country Girl
17 I saw also an angel standing in the sun, and he cried out with a loud voice and said to all the birds that fly in midheaven: "Come here, be gathered together to the great evening meal of God, 18 that YOU may eat the fleshy parts of kings and the fleshy parts of military commanders and the fleshy parts of strong men and the fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon them, and the fleshy parts of all, of freemen as well as of slaves and of small ones and great."
EEEK! By some divine intervention, I made three empty posts! It won't let me delete them, like The Giant Suction Machine Je Hoover's gonna do to all us empty-headed apostates. Anyway.. BrownButt.. If you are trying to write history, it's already been done.
Jeffrey Dalmer was always eating the fleshy parts of somebody. Whether they were military commanders, or strong men, dunno. Supposedly, the French chow down on horsemeat, so I guess you are, in a way, sharing prophecy. A great thanks to all those nameless Bible writers who dabbled with the spirits... much like you are wont to do.
Country "FleshEater" Girl
Since he believes that he's one of the two witnesses of Rev. 11, he ought to be able to tell us the name of his compatriot. They will both die together in the same city. Vs. 8. But, , we don't hear anything at all from the other witness. Wonder why that is.
A prophecy written has many meanings. There are a minimum of two, and can be repeated as many time as ALLA wants. God's name has many meanings also. Christ came to glorify his father in the heavens, and I do the same as the one whom He sent forth primero. My son was first in the line of duty in JEHOVAH'S army as was Christ. We, along with all of those chosen and faithful will be glorified in the day of the Almighty God JAH. The other witness is my son, Stevie Brown Junior, who was first to witness many things. As it is written, he who is first will be last. The faithful and discreet slave of Jehovah, and also of His Christ
Attention ....Attention!!!!!!
I just read where god will be out of commision for quite some time. It appears that god's going to lose his ass and go broke and end up in the poorhouse because at least 150,000 relatives of dead ones are sueing his ass because these ones have heard that the disaster was......"an act of god". Insurance companies are relieved to hear that god is going to pay the bill when he gets out of the can.
Attention ....Attention!!!!!!
I just read where god will be out of commision for quite some time. It appears that god's going to lose his ass and go broke and end up in the poorhouse because at least 150,000 relatives of dead ones are sueing his ass because these ones have heard that the disaster was......"an act of god". Insurance companies are relieved to hear that god is going to pay the bill when he gets out of the can.
Store up for yourselves treasures in the heaven, for this world and it's desires are soon passing away. What will you do then? Jehovah is the owner of everything. The one that is willing to work for their food will never go hungry, it is written.
If Rev. 11:8 is symbolic than it applies to Chrstian martyrs anywhere, not just to 2 individuals killed in a specific city (Rome or Jerusalem--depending on your interpretation). So there are witnesses elsewhere. Is that correct? If it is literal and applies to only 2 people, you and your son, are you now in Rome or Jerusalem?
If Rev. 11:8 is symbolic than it applies to Chrstian martyrs anywhere, not just to 2 individuals killed in a specific city (Rome or Jerusalem--depending on your interpretation). So there are witnesses elsewhere. Is that correct? If it is literal and applies to only 2 people, you and your son, are you now in Rome or Jerusalem?
16 "?I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star.?"17 And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: "Come!" And let anyone hearing say: "Come!" And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life?s water free.18 "I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.20 "He that bears witness of these things says, ?Yes; I am coming quickly.?""Amen! Come, Lord Jesus."21 [May] the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ [be] with the holy ones.
A witness is just that. One who is willing to take a stand for righteousness sake as in a court of law. If you recieve a gift from Jehovah and hide it from the world, then you do not bear witness. If you learn about the Kingdom of God, and hide it from the world, you are not a witness. Those that are willing to stand up for Jehovah, and His Christ are witnesses of God. There are many.