Let me learn of the forgiveness of melting your hard drive oh prophet of Brown kind.
by Brownboy 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sory, once again i let the dark side tell me to judge.Brown boy i believe we should live and let live.
Im tryin yall........................I never say yall either.
Country Girl
He's done EXACTLY what he set out here to do: to get you all in an uproar and reply to him. He doesn't want to change your faith, he isn't a true seeker, he's just a troll. After thsi post, STOP replying and he will stop posting.
30 And then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in lamentation, and they will see [have an understanding] the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24)
6 And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: "Praise Jah, YOU people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. (Revelations 19)
These scriptures have also been fulfilled.
What is the meaning of Tsunami?
Words have many meanings. Jehovah formed the basis of all languages. T SUN AMI (SUNAM) 32123 SUN-MAN (Son of man)
Jehovah loves perfection and perfection is found in symmetry. ALLA is the same forwards and backwards. ABBA is the same forwards and backwards. What is the meaning of YHWH? is it more accurate as HWH?, which is the same forwards and backwards. What is a Y chromosome? chr-omo-some
The Y chromosome was corrupted by satan to bring imperfection to humanity. 666 = 999 as an inverse
Man is 99.9 Percent perfect. Jehovah will bring perfection to man as a promise to all.............Selah
The faithful and dicreet slave of the most high God, JEHOVAH, ALLA, and in greek YHWH
edited to add:
God's name has many meanings:
YHWH = He causes to become
Y chromosome is corrupted
The power to correct this corruption belongs to God
Y belongs to HWH which could also mean "ALA"
ALA is the first three letters of Alamo, or tree (The tree of life belongs to God)
Alamosa was my birthplace, a witness of Jehovah, and a witness to all
A Witness of Jehovah, and of ALA.........Amen.........Selah
18 Here is where wisdom comes in: Let the one that has intelligence calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man?s number; and its number is six hundred and sixty-six. (Revelation 13)
The original wild beast is satan, and anyone who does the same as satan can be considered to recieve the mark of the wild beast. You now have the understanding. Please use your intelligence and learn to put away the things of this world.
Peace, love, and happiness to all.................please enjoy the rest of your day. I will return here at the appropriate time. Please attend the meeting and learn to love one another, as Jehovah, and the Christ loves you.......Selah
Stevie Brown Sr. (brown = the color of coffee) My skin is brown, and I have the heart of a boy (brownboy)
Peace, love, and happiness to all.................please enjoy the rest of your day. I will return here at the appropriate time. Please attend the meeting and learn to love one another, as Jehovah, ... loves you.......Selah
If we are to love one another just like Jehovah loves us,,does that mean if people don't do everything exactly as we tell them we can exterminate them,,with love of course.
and I have the heart of a boy
I think the authorities should be notified.
um, Brownboy...? you should post facts here, not made-up stuff...
What is the meaning of Tsunami?
Words have many meanings. Jehovah formed the basis of all languages. T SUN AMI (SUNAM) 32123 SUN-MAN (Son of man)
tsu·na·mi ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ts
n. pl. tsu·na·mis- A very large ocean wave caused by an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
[Japanese : tsu , port + nami , wave.]
Was Russell as nutty as BrownBoy is?
God's name has many meanings:
YHWH = He causes to become
Y chromosome is corrupted
The power to correct this corruption belongs to God
Y belongs to HWH which could also mean "ALA"
ALA is the first three letters of Alamo, or tree (The tree of life belongs to God)
Alamosa was my birthplace, a witness of Jehovah, and a witness to all
A Witness of Jehovah, and of ALA.........Amen.........Selah
This just too funny. This delusional logic, (in his own mind only), proves that the next prophet had to come from Alamosa. Holy crap!!!
Carry on BrownBoy, you get funnier with each post. LMAO