Time To Put Prayer On Hold?

by Englishman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    This huge tsunami disaster. Thousands and thousands dead, others in grave danger of deadly disease, grieving parents seeking their children, whole families decimated.

    In all good conscience, how can anyone who is untouched by this, pray to God for his usual ration of daily bread? Our needs being so miniscule and even petty in comparison with the tsunami victims, how can we possibly ask God for anything at the moment?

    Shouldn't we put our needs on hold for a while?


  • LittleToe

    I recall feeling similar sentiments in the aftermath of 9/11.

  • candidlynuts

    not everyones needs are miniscule and have things affecting their lives deeply right now. i have a friend whos 2 week old baby died on the 24th.. a friend whos cousin was killed in a car accident and her two babies under 2 yrs old are in critical condition. this tragedy of the tsunami doesnt stop the world from turning and doesnt stop other tragedies from occuring even though it does overshadow many things.

    i dont think putting prayer on hold is gonna help anything. you can pray to god to help those affected ,giving thanks and asking gods assistance in our own lives is never a wrong thing to do.

  • stillajwexelder

    you make a good point e-man

  • Sirona

    My stepfathers mother is in hospital with stroke and pneumonia. She has just hours left.

    Yes, I think we should all put our petty needs on hold, but as for other more serious things, we all have difficulties - locally.


  • proplog2

    Nothing fails like prayer.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    And who's to say you can't pray for your own, and others' needs worldwide, in one simple prayer?

    Country Girl

  • melmac
    Nothing fails like prayer.

    If you need a house built, you can either (a) have a million people praying for it to happen; or (b) getting 10 people to ACTUALLY built it.

    Which would you prefer?

    Prayer is OK when there's nothing humans can do. But on my part, I'd rather get some action going.

  • Brummie
    If you need a house built, you can either (a) have a million people praying for it to happen; or (b) getting 10 people to ACTUALLY built it.

    hmm, how about is 10 praying humans build it? I think most of those who are affected by the earthquake will be praying and building at the same time. I just hope they do have some faith, even the littlest of hope is better than nothing.


  • melmac

    As long as the 10 builders don't say afterwards: "we're so thankful that GOD gave us a house"!

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