by maybesbabies 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • maybesbabies

    OMG! What a dream I had last night!

    In it, we had discovered a plot by the Governing Body to hasten armageddon. Actually, it was Blondie who uncovered the plot, as it was encrypted in the WTS literature!!! They started preaching about a final date, one that would prove once and for all that they were right. Well, their dastardly plan was that they had bought an engineered virus, a super lethal and fast spreading one. The had also bought the vaccine, and had inoculated themselves, and those who were to be their servants in the "New World". In addition, they had an anti-serum, for those who would be infected, and they would give it to (yup, you guessed it) 144,000 loyal followers. They decided that since they were the only channel to God, that this would be seen as "anointing" them.

    They had turned Bethel into a factory, churning out capsules full of the virus. The plan was to send them out with the Overseers, spreading them from congregation to congregation, on the same day, and on that day they'd be doing field work, so as to spread the infection far and wide. They were to tell the rank and file that they had been given a new light about a world virus, and that this was the antidote. Their sheep would gladly follow direction from the Governing Body, and so wouldn't argue with it. By the time they figured it out, it would be too late. And, they'd be told that they just weren't strong enough in Jehovah, if they died!

    So, it was up to us apostates to save the world! The government wouldn't listen, they thought we were nuts, and of course our family members trusted the GB more than us. The R&F had heard a buzz about Bethel being closed to new entrants, and that no one was allowed to leave, but they took it in stride and were warned against idle gossip.

    We formed several teams of apostates to infiltrate Bethel, and steal the anti-serum to replicate it. My team was Little Toe, Seattleniceguy, Piph, and my sister. There were other teams as well. Each had a different function; some were to be recon, some were to attempt to hack into Bethels data base to try and uncover if they had stored the formula, and ours was to be the team that actually went in to try and recover it.

    Our team arrived at Bethel, and the hacker team had found the blue prints to Bethel, showing all vents to the outside. All vents had been equipped with filters to ensure the virus did not escape early, and there was a great risk that we could unleash the virus, or be infected our selves. We took all the precautions we could, including using a high tech sticky foam to seal the vent shaft behind us, while we pulled off the filter. We crawled through the ducts, following the schematic that had been acquired for us. It dropped us down into the inner sanctum of the GB's rooms. There we found, to our shock, the figure of a golden calf sitting on the conference table!

    It was no ordinary golden calf, as at the base of it were seven buttons. It was obviously a safe of some sort, and we had to crack the code. We grabbed a bible off the bookshelf, and started leafing through Revelations, where it mentions the number 7 and 10 quite frequently. In a dream, of course, we were all sort of geniuses, and managed to figure out the number sequence that was needed. The calf begin to rise off the table, and underneath was a cold storage unit with vials of anti-serum! Suddenly, alarms began to go off all around us. They were on to us!!

    The recon team outside radioed us, and said that they saw legions of people swarming our way on the thermal imaging. We hurriedly got back up into the air shaft, and began making our way back. All along the route, people were reaching through vents, shooting through the shafts, etc. trying to stop us. We finally made it through, replaced the filter, and sprayed ourselves down with disinfectant before breaking the seal we had made. We shot a grappling hook over to another building, and slid to safety.

    One of our apostates was a microbiologist, and was able to isolate the virus in the serum and make more anti-serum. We didn't yet know if they would still unleash the virus, but we were sure we had not taken all the anti-serum, as we only got seven vials. We all waited anxiously in the months after, and we had all been inoculated, our children, friends, anyone who would listen. Blondie vigilantly monitored all literature for signs that it was happening.

    Finally, the day came. They did indeed go ahead with their plans. We all had disguised our selves as picketers on the day, and followed them out in field service. We began handing out the anti serum door to door, and people believed us. Why did they believe us? Because the witnesses coming to their doors were already infected, and had large sores forming on their bodies. We tried to give them the serum too, but they refused. Finally, the government began to listen, and started wide spread quarantine and inoculation. The GB members were all found dead in their rooms, as well as those in Bethel who had helped to make it happen. Once they found out that they had been foiled be apostates, they took cyanide pills, and ordered everyone who knew about the project to do so as well.

    Crazy dream, huh?

  • Dustin

    It sounds like a cross between a Resident Evil movie, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on crack. That's actually pretty funny cause I think the Governing Body is crazy enough to do that.

  • maybesbabies


  • heart2heart

    Wow, what did you eat before bed?? lol That is one crazy dream, very detailed too. The part about the golden calf was funny! Your dreams sound weirder than Kwin's (my dh) and I didn't know that was possible! (Story for another time)


  • maybesbabies

    LOL! I tend to have very vivid dreams! As a child, I would even walk around the house acting them out in my sleep!

  • Brummie

    Darn, where can I get the DVD? This is better than hollywood.


  • Mary
    Well, their dastardly plan was that they had bought an engineered virus, a super lethal and fast spreading one. The had also bought the vaccine, and had inoculated themselves, and those who were to be their servants in the "New World". In addition, they had an anti-serum, for those who would be infected, and they would give it to (yup, you guessed it) 144,000 loyal followers. They decided that since they were the only channel to God, that this would be seen as "anointing" them.

    This sounds very much like the plan of the evil dude in Lara Croft: Cradle of Life....................

  • maybesbabies

    Hmmm, I'll have to get that movie. Is it any good?

  • maybesbabies

    bttt'ing again, I want Seattleniceguy, Blondie, etc. to know that they are super apostates, bent on saving the world and foiling the WTBTS. LOL!!! At least, in my dreams!!!

  • Xandria


    You had the wildest imagination as a child. When you sleep you put yourself deep. Watch out for flying limbs! So it is not hard to think you dream hard too.



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