Catholic organization donates $25 million to tsunami relief

by seattleniceguy 14 Replies latest social current

  • seattleniceguy

    It's amazing how as Witnesses we used to just rip on other religions and organizations, not the least of which was the Catholic church. I was reading another article listing donations from various organizations and companies, and it looks like we're going to have a record outpouring here. Probably in the hundreds of millions of dollars.


  • maybesbabies

    Thos damned evil Catholics, helping people and such!! Why, I'm just outraged!! Yeah, I never got that either, SNG, when they would talk about how bad the Catholics were, but they never bothered to pick up any tabs for the needy.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Good find Seattle nice guy.

    It lifts my spirits to see any organization contribute to the relief efforts.

    25 million is just awesome!

    Special K

  • Raphael

    A drop in the ocean for the Catholic Church, If they donated a dollar for each member they could afford a billion dollars...we're talking about one of the wealthiest organisations in the world....I'd like too see the give a heck of alot more.

  • seattleniceguy
    A drop in the ocean for the Catholic Church, If they donated a dollar for each member they could afford a billion dollars

    Aha! I knew we could expect to see the good ol' JW spirit soon enough!


  • Fleur

    that's wonderful...thanks for posting that niceguy. the more that any group can give, the better...



  • Kenneson

    I would love to see every church, synagogue, mosque, etc. not effected by this disaster make collections to be sent to Southeast Asia. . I know that the Catholic Churches in my area are quick to respond to disasters. With the recent hurricanes that hit Florida, monies were collected and sent to the hard hit areas. And I expect they will do the same in this case.

  • 95stormfront
    when they would talk about how bad the Catholics were, but they never bothered to pick up any tabs for the needy.

    Oh come on now......

    I'm sure the appropriate branch made sure there were tons of watchtower and awake magazines sent out to needy in times of distress. That lifesaving information is more important than food, clothing, or shelter by their definition anyway.

  • lazyslob

    Thos damned evil Catholics, helping people and such!! Why, I'm just outraged!! They donĀ“t wait for Jehovah......?

  • kgfreeperson

    Well, that's $10 million more than Bush originally offered and only $10 million less than what has not been committed. Certainly the Catholic church is not more wealthy (more more responsible) than the United States?

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