Moral ethics - how would you decide?

by ozziepost 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Tough call either way. I would have stayed, but I would have thought it morally ethical for another to go.

    I hope I never find myself in that situation.

  • pennycandy

    My mother used to have a dream where she and her children and her mother drove off a bridge and were submerged. She had to decide whether to save her baby or her mother. Unfortunately, I have inherited this dream, only now I am the mother with the choice to make. It's fresh every time it happens.

    Fortunately, it's just a dream. It tears my heart apart to think of people having that choice to make in real life.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    Do I have other younger children that depend on me? The probability of her being taken out to sea and never finding her again. Am I being immoral in staying and using up a portion of the clean water/food that could have gone to a definitely living and already malnourished local child?

    I'd like to think that I'd be that thoughtful to consider such things, but I may just as easily let my own grief and bond to her keep me there till I got an answer, one way or another. I have no children by the way so this is all very hypothetical to me.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i couldn't... leave.

  • SheilaM

    The situation is there are people looking for survivors, they are able to handle the conditions, probably immunized etc. The Mother can really do nothing, the damage and debris is horrific. Yes, as a Mother I would want to stay, I imagine Thunder would put me on a plane to protect me while he searched

  • BrendaCloutier

    If I had the where-with-all, I'd stay. Not just to search, but to help. Helping others is the best way to get out of oneself and one's grief. However, I hope I never have to decide.

    I'm embarrased by the people rushing to their embasies and airlines to get out of the disaster area when they could be helping. Clearing debris, working with aid workers, handing out food, boiling water, doing paperwork so someone more trained can do what they do best. It doesn't say much for the "wealthy" westerners.

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