how long to baptism?

by lost truth? 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • lost truth?
    lost truth?


    i have recently started a bible study, and think that i may like to be baptised.

    I was wondering how long does someone have to study before they are baptised?

    also, I was wondering how many hours do people spend on their mission (door to door)

    i would be thankful for any help, as i am just like many, searching for awnsers. Your help here will certianly progress me on my path to finding them.


  • stillajwexelder

    It depends on the person and how long they take to accept certain society teachings. Blood was difficult for me but I beacme a witness in the 1980s and the AIDS Scare had started - and at the time I thought AIDS was caused by homosexuality - condemned by witnesses, Blood Transfusions - condemned by witnesses, intravenous drug use condemned by witnesses so that "convinced " me the witnesses were right so I got batized. The biggest mistake I made was not reading Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz before I got baptized - also I did not have the internet then - how many hours of filed service is up to you - the harder you work the more you will be in the inner circle in the congregation

  • Axelspeed

    I will answer the questions, but first I would suggest that while you now have the opportunity, because you have not made the commitment of baptism, that you made a good investigation of what you will be committing to.

    Most here are or have been affiliated with JWs in some way. I can assure you that the commitment is probably more than you now realize. Once you are baptized it will be much more difficult to leave voluntarily than you will find it is to join. Are you willing to give up all current friendships who are not JWs? Are you willing to lesson the commitment given to family members who are not JWs, and be willing to accept the belief that they will all be destroyed along with 6 billion others because they are not JWs? Are you willing to believe that JWs alone exclusively have the Truth, and be willing to accept that that is never to be questioned? Are you willing to accept that when God speaks, it is through the organization of JWs, and when the WT speaks it is as if God himself is speaking? For most JWs they are one in the same. Are you willing to accept the consequences that if down the line you find something that you cannot conscientiously agree with, that you will have no recourse or person to appeal to without repercussions?

    Some here were life-long JWs who have had the difficult task of finding there way essentially alone. They investigated and found something that they could not in good conscience agree with, something they were taught as the Truth, and had to make a choice. This choice has consequences. Because of how JWs view all who are not JWs, they have had to go through the difficult task af rebuilding a whole new social circle of friends and family, because their whole social circle of JWs have nothing to do with them anymore.

    Now is the time to investigate thoroughly what you are committing to, and not just from JW publications. If you wanted to find out about the reliability of a particular make of automobile, what do you think the manufacturer is going to tell you? the good or the bad?

    Now to the questions.

    1. Some have gotten baptized in around a year if they go through the study smoothly and start participating in field service as an unbaptized publisher

    2. Through implication, the suggestion that you try to keep up with the national avg. which usually hovers aroung 10 hrs/mo. Many don't get that much, and many put down bogus hrs. because of the pressure to appear to be spiritual. There is also the constant message to see if you can "make room" to pioneer (50-70hrs/mo). These numbers are essentially a JW report card.

    Hope this helps.

  • snakeizz


    you will be asked to pioneer immediately!!! Especially if you're young....they'll even ask you to devote your whole summer to it...pioneering is your duty as a baptized publisher.......which means your weekends are gone!!!

  • stillajwexelder

    Can I beg you to do just 1 thing before you get baptized READ Crisis Of Conscience by Raymond Franz - one of the most balanced reads you will ever come across - JUST THAT ONE THING PLEASE

  • blondie

    My advice, stop your study with Jehovah's Witnesses.

    1. You will have to stop celebrating birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Halloween, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, etc., etc.

    2. You will not be able to have a blood transfusion or authorize one for your minor children or spouse.

    3. They will not tell you that they once taught that Armageddon was coming in 1914, 1925, 1975.

    4. Once you are baptized, should you violate one of their rules/policies and they deem you unrepentant, you will be shunned by every JW and every family member who is a JW. They will not be able to talk to you or acknowledge you.

    Why did you decide to study with Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you have a religious affiliation now? Why are you dissatisfied with it?

    5. Do you know what the real policy is if a Witness should molest your child? They need 2 eye-witnesses or they will not take any action against them (disfellowship/shun).

    Christian love, Blondie (45 years as one of Jehovah's Witnesses)

    Crisis of Conscience can be ordered here.

  • AuntieJane

    Hi Lost Truth! Welcome to this board. I was never a JW but have family who are, and I am thankful that I was led to this board. I have learned a lot from people who used to be and are still JW's. Please, don't be dissuaded because you might have thought all who post here are JW's. Please read and learn from these people. They have life experiences that will teach you more than any study you would take with the Watchtower society. Sometimes they say things that are boldly negative toward the WTS, but most have lived through a lot of years of repression and DEpression because of the teachings of the WTS.

    May I ask if you had a religion prior to studying with the WTS? I would be glad to write you/answer any questions more privately if you want to contact me at [email protected] I am not an Apostate; as I said I have family who are JW's. Blessings for a happy and healthy 2005!

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    I think it depends on when the next assembly is.....ha ha ha!

    I remember when I started studying the sisters said if you study really hard and because you are so smart you can get baptized at the next assembly which was 2-3 months away.

    They wanted bigger numbers for that particular KH.

    So glad I picked up Crisis of Conscience and went on the internet.

    I'm not baptised but my husband is and he is fading away slowly - thankfully.

    Don't do it. Run far far away.

  • gumby

    Hi LostTruth..... and a big warm welcome to the board!

    It seems you thought this was a pro witness site.....but I'm glad you came here. As you have by now seen, we are recovering ex-jehovahs witnesses. Please re-read what Axelspeed and Blondie wrote...and please order Crisis of Conscience.

    You will be strongly advised by the witnesses to never come to a site like this again. All Jehovah's Witnesses know about this site is what they have been told.........and that is that this site is a wicked place run by Satan behind the scenes and that there is nothing but lies told here. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Please continue to re-search them BEFORE you commikt won't be sorry, I promise

    Again, nice to have you here.


  • Dustin

    Hi Lost Truth,

    Let me just tell you that when you first start going, and are taking steps towards baptism everybody at the hall treats you great. If you are willing to lose any individuality, and give up on all your family and friends who don't believe what the witnesses have to say then it's the religion for you. The reality is I was born as a Jehovah's Wittness, and spent 25 years of my life trying to please them. The only thing I have to show for it is a lot of regret that I hadn't quit sooner. The witnesses are nothing more than a cult that sucks the life out of people. It revolves around 12 old guys that think they know everything, and you know nothing. I admit that some of their teachings seem really great. But in the end all you will find are lies. I hope you come to the right decision for you in the end, but really think about what you are getting yourself into first. A good book to read is "The Awakening of a Jehovah's Witness" it's written by Dianne Wilson. She tells you her story, and in the end it's like alot of us here on this website. Take care.


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