1) Around 6-10 years old: The Red Balloon by A. Lamorisse 2) from 10 to around 16: The Heart of a Boy (Cuoro) by Edmondo De Amicis 3) From 16 onward: No longer a kid (Bad Luck ;-) !!!) jwsons
Favorite Book as a Child?
by whyamihere 37 Replies latest jw friends
From 16 onward: No longer a kid
i know what you mean... when i got older, i switched to "nancy drew's guilty secrets", "bi-curious george" and "if you give a mouse some nookie"...
The Princess and the Goblin!!
Then when I was a little older, Jane Eyre.
A Wrinkle in Time. Bet I read it 5 times.
Nancy Drew
Mine was "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Your Ears and Other African Folk Tales" by some guy. I'm not even sure if it was the exact name of the book but I know it had "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Your Ears" in the title.
It was funny as hell when I saw the picture of the guy smacking the holy crap out of that skeeter!
I'll try to find the book at the library so I can read it to my youngest son. (My oldest is still with my mom *sob* )
Mine was "Why Mosquitoes Buzz in Your Ears and Other African Folk Tales" by some guy.
Not "some guy" - South African folklorist Verna Aardema. I bought a beautifully illustrated version for my son when he was too young to appreciate it - it lasted about 2 months. Ironic, because he's an artist today :)
I bet it's still in print.
Gently Feral
Curious George (crazy monkey love)
The Cat in the Hat
Dr Seuss Green Eggs & Ham
Of course it depends on the age, but all of these books have a special place in my heart.
When I was small, I loved to be read to from a book of fairy tales. I loved Bartholomew Cubbins (very suspenseful; I was always afraid he wouldn't get the last hat off in time). Also the story about hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats. And of course, best beloved, the Elephant's Child by Rudyard Kipling.
When I started reading on my own, Clifford, Curious George, Ping, and finally Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle.
In fifth grade I moved on to the Lion's Paw, The Runaway Robot, The Time of the Great Freeze, and the Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet.
Then I tackled Sherlock Holmes, the first adult book I could comprehend (I also attempted Robinson Crusoe, but it was too hard to read.) Gulliver's Travels was next, but I didn't really understand it was satire.
In Junior High it was Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom & Tarzan books, Heinlein's The Red Planet, and The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien, and the Mysterious Island by Verne.
I read countless others, but those were and continue to be my favorite books.
Funny, but I never went back to read Robinson Crusoe, so that is the one exception.