This is from Rud Persson on
Rud is a friend of Carl Olof Jonsson. AFAIK, he is "Wolfgang Herbst" co-author of the book "The Sign of the Last Days - When?".
Posted by RudPersson on Wed - Dec 29 - 11:36am:
Today, December 29, 2004, my dear wife called me at my work and told me that the obituary of my father had been published in today´s local newspaper.
He had died on December 21 and the funeral had already taken place without my knowing anything!
Still the obituary pretended to show family unity in the moment of death, mentioning "children, grandchildren and great grandchildren" as well as friends.
The truth of the matter is that only one of the three surviving children was informed about the death and funeral. I and my disfellowshiped sister were not notified, and most of the grandchildren were kept in ignorance, too.
The fact that I had resigned from the organization meant that I could be treated as non-existent. I have been rejected by the Witness members of the family since 1988 and my sister almost as long, although my father had visited her a few times, as she was "only" disfellowshiped. In later years, however, he had rejected her totally.
I forgive my father and pray and hope for a reunion in the kingdom of God. However, I have utter contempt for the arrogant organization that believes it can get away with their unchristian behavior.
A close friend suggested a few hours ago that I should publish the address of the local JW congregation my father belonged to, making it possible for people to protest against their unloving treatment of people. So here it is:
Jehovas Vittnen, Rikets Sal, Östra Vägen, S-265 31 Åstorp, Sweden