So p*****d off - need to offload

by neverin 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Neverin,

    Wow! Thats horrible! I am sorry you have been through so much! Hang in there. In the long run even though it is painful now, he may be more willing to see things for what they really are if he isn't in the thick of it anymore!


    Lady Liberty

  • KW13

    ah thats tough. nice to see you posting, your father deserves for all his trouble at least some thanks if not recognition for his efforts.

  • neverin

    The irony of the criticim levelled against my dad for not going out on the 'work' often enough is that anyone who has a problem in the congregation speficially asks for him to deal with it as they know he is so compassionate and will deal with them in a reasonable way.

    It breaks my heart that such a good person is taken for a ride. He is very clever but despite mom's encouragement and support he never pushed himself when he was younger and always had poorly paid jobs even though he is a skilled engineer - work had to fit around his spiritual duties.

    My brother's (both elders)are a conundrum too. Eldest = v clever, good grades at school but took an average office job years ago and has always turned down promotion - a real plodder. Younger brother = never very academic but always knew what he wanted. Part owns his own business, flash car, holidays, watches etc and loved in the cong (nothing to do with the £££'s he contributes of course).

    The biggest joke was when I revealed to my family that I had been abused as a child by my older brother's friend (now his brother in law) my younger brother said that he felt sorry for me not being a witness as I would never know the love of the congregation. Yeah they have so much love they have covered up the whole thing and my older brother and his wife (the abusers sister) walked out of my parent's back door when I walked in the front and they have ignored me for 5 years - despite me writing to them to ask why (no reply - surprise, surprise).

  • nelly136

    ***my younger brother said that he felt sorry for me not being a witness as I would never know the love of the congregation.***

    bet that made you count your blessings

  • neverin

    ***my younger brother said that he felt sorry for me not being a witness as I would never know the love of the congregation.***

    ***bet that made you count your blessings ****

    Not half!!! It's amazing how the only support I've had other than Mom, Dad and Hubby is from my 'wordly' friends. Mom and Dad have had no support only criticism ..... one elder came to my door (not realising it was mine) and when I challenged him about the covering up of child abuse he denied it happened so I revealed who I was and he didn't know where to put himself. He then proceeded to tell me that my mom shouldn't go around telling people from the congregation what had happened. When I told my Dad he went round to this blokes house and gave him short shrift and made him apologise to my Mom - way to go Dad!!

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