Let the Playoffs begin
by xenawarrior 20 Replies latest social entertainment
The Vikings don't have a prayer. I watched them yesterday and I was embarassed for them!
Go Steelers!!! = )
Purza (who's team is the worst in the NFL this year)
The Seahawks won their division at 9-7. So we get to go in as the least sucky team.
damn vikes!
el jarocho mayor
I still say the Bears have a chance. Right, right? Walter we need you!!!!!
Woohoo !! It's playoffs weekend !!! My Viqueens fans buddies from Minneapolis will be here tomorrow spreading purple all over my house and partying hearty ! Game day temps are forecasted to be 27ยบ and this time I was lucky enough to get tickets 50 yard line seats ! Yeehaa- get the peppermint schnapps and
Wasn't that Jets/Chargers game a great one! I think it lasted 4 hours!!! I am glad the Jets won, but I don't think they have a prayer against either the Steelers or the Patriots.
Awfully quiet in Cheeseland today.
I was over my friend's house yesterday watching the game. He was cheering the Packers on and wearing a Farve jersey.......and I was wearing a Culpepper jersey. It was alot of fun and noone was really hurt during this chance encounter lol. Jes