Yesterday, German government in Berlin achkowledged to allocate 500 Million EUR.
The government is in line with the population that is unsparing with donations for the victims of the catatrophe.
Despite there were many charity TV shows before Christmas, German TV stations started another series of broadcasted charity shows.
Tuesdays's show "A Heart for Children" hit an all-time-peak collecting 40 Million EUR donations.
Formula One driver and World Champion Michael Schumacher donates 10 Million US$ which was the biggest donation from a single person. "Deutsche Bank" donated another 10 Million EUR.
Hoorah for Australia and Germany!
by Kenneson 23 Replies latest jw friends
I think it would be intersting to see how much $$$ the Muslim countries of the Earth contribute to their "brothers", compared to the "infidel" nations, that they disdain so.
NOT MEANT TO INCITE HATRED- strictly to see if they practice what they preach! The same comparisons are made about the Dub's. It would certainly be a testament to their faith and brotherly love- or not. And the "few" radicals that so miserably misrepresent that faith would be powerless to stop such generosity. The world would certainly take note!!
I think it would be intersting to see how much $$$ the Muslim countries of the Earth contribute to their "brothers", compared to the "infidel" nations, that they disdain so.
Not so much, it seems.
See also:
The other sad fact is that a lot of countries pledge things and make promises ... but the money mysteriously never actually arrives.
Look at Afghanistan - £900m+ was promised but a third of it was not given once the media attention was gone. Politicians just like to do things for the glory of the moment but will renage on any promise if they no longer get anything out of it.
A good reason to keep the politcal pressure up and scrutiny on things - who is giveing what, where is it going to, what will it be used for, when will it be available etc.
Max Divergent
Australia has the balance of power role in south east Asia and the south Pacific betwen secular liberal democracy and the "alternatives", so the aid is probably a mainifestation of that. It's a difficult part of the world.
I think it would be intersting to see how much $$$ the Muslim countries of the Earth contribute to their "brothers", compared to the "infidel" nations, that they disdain so.
As at 5 Jan, Bahrain, Brunai, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and UAE had given a grand total of US$68m to their Muslim brothers. "Stingy indifference" the Islamic leader in Aust called it.
There are a lot of things we need to get done here at home too. I am sure that sounds cold, but I don't want the US to promise more money than it can deliver, or end up taking money away from necessary programs here because they over extend.
The US has spent it's capital on Iraq and stuff... most countries invest capital, but (by his own admission) GWB spends it so that there's nothing left for anything else... it shows.By my math that's over 1.687 Billion SO FAR. Divide that up amongst the 150,000 poor souls and their families.
No... the 150,000 are dead and don't get money, nor do the families get any cash. The money is for immediate relief and rebuilding civil infrastructure (roads, houses, cities) for the tens or hundreds of millions of survivors in the region and those who will be born in the next thirty or so years.
What can you build in the US for $1.687b? Stuff all, but that has to rebuild the coastlines of a dozen countries.
I'm curious (and I don't know) do all of these $$ figures include charitable orgs, or is it just what the government sends?
In Australia's case, it's what the Govt sends in cash. If the US sent the same as Australia on a per capita basis, it'd be about $20 billion in green paper from the Fed, PLUS military, private, corporate and charity efforts.
Simon- To go along with your comment I just read in todays news that Iran was promised over $1Billion dollars just over a year ago when 25,000 people died there. To date they've only recieved $17.5 million- PATHETIC!
I'm suspicious anytime that much money is floating around. The problem is the media makes sure we have a "short memory" by force feeding us new news at such a high volume we soon forget yesterdays tragedy!
How rude- I didn't even introduce myself- Hi, I I'm upside/down from Colorado!
I second that German XJW
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - A bodyguard for seven-time Formula One champion Michael Schumacher was among those killed in the tsunami disaster.
Burkhard Cramer died in Phuket, Thailand, Schumacher spokeswoman Sabine Kehm said Wednesday. Cramer's two sons also are believed to have died.
On Tuesday, Schumacher's manager said the German, who drives for Ferrari, pledged $10 million to victims of the Asian disaster. Willi Weber said a decision on allocation of the funds will be made in the next few days, after consultation with the German Foreign Ministry.