144, 000 bottles of beer!!! You take one down, pass it around.......
144,000 bottles of beer on the wall,
by avishai 27 Replies latest jw friends
dude that shit is out of date...and what's this Jaracz tail in my beer?!!!
... and you get df'ed for being the host of a "drunken bash" though everyone had more than their fill. With pharisees, someone always has to be the "fall guy."
(A very intoxicated Preston puts keg on head)
"Hey everyone, I'm one of the annointed!" *Hiccup!
Rutherford loved that song, I bet!
I thought they were more into whiskey . I read on a site called watch the tower that they actually stole some art work from , I think it was , johnny walker , and used it on some publications and were sued over it . In the words of jeff foxworthy ," all men whant is a beer and to see something naked ."
this could be fun. Will the anointed die off before this thread does? Let's find out....
143,999 bottles of beer on the wall. Take one down, pass it around....
143,998 bottles of beer on the wall!!
it's 144,001 bottles of Pabst Blue Ribbon on the wall, thanks to an arithmetic immateriality variance granted me by Jehovah. Oh, it's Pabst because I've never known JWs with good taste.
143997 plates of unleavened crackers on a plate................