I did not have a problem with a specific meeting...they all have their enjoyable and painful sides.
What bugged me the most was the amount of time a good JW had to devote. I wondered why God gave us an interest in science, art, music, etc. and then demanded we not have the time to pursue them. I wondered why God wanted me to go to meetings three times a week, just to hear information that I knew by rote. I figured one meeting a week would be enough, it could be like a refresher course.
I first quit going to circuit assemblies. We had quite a distance to drive to them, with small children in tow. We were always late, so we would have to spend the weekend sitting in a hallway (brand new assembly hall and not enough chairs), listening to an inadequate speaker system; you could barely hear the talks. Then, the brothers and sisters that did come into the hallway to stare at us like we were the scum of the earth.
Since I got nothing out of those assemblies, and the assemblies only contained information that I knew, I stopped going to them. The little information that I did not know, new publications or "new truths", I would learn these shortly afterwards at the KH.
Richard, who no longer spends his weekends being bored just to please a fairy tale