I live in Auburn, California which is between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Foothills. I grew up in Riverside, Califronia until I was 18 then moved to this area in 1974. Disfellowshipped since 1980.
im curious where is everyone from?
by brokenfairy 90 Replies latest jw experiences
central Illinois
w00t! Big Al's!That's only in central Illinois? lol I figured they had them everywhere.
Never been in one but the parents of a kid I used to babysitt took me to a Hooters for my 17th birthday and I about died!! Turned so red!! I didn't quite know where to look when the waitress stood next to me taking our orders so I just stared at my plate and did that till we left.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nottingham, United Kingdom
Shouldn't that be Naughtyham?
I was born in the land of cotton; old times there are not forgotten.
Land of cotton? Where the eggs are ripe but the apples are rotten?
Born raised baptised married in Adelaide Australia .. the city Mark Twain cruely dubbed "the city of churches".
ps: for a minute there I thought brokenfairy wanted to talk about the birds and the bees... 'cos I'm curious where everyone is from too lol
I am from Zion National Park area, home of the Pligs you know those idoit women who live with these crusty fat old men and have babies by them.
I am from Zion National Park area, home of the Pligs you know those idoit women who live with these crusty fat old men and have babies by them
Wow Pintail, sounds like Norway
unclebruce what part of Adelaide I lived there a year after meeting my ex husband at the District Convention.
Born in Belgium, grew up in The Netherlands, then back to Belgium, France, Tunesia, Greece, Belgium again, and have been living in the Adirondack mountains on and off since 1992