Yes, it's true. I know it is not a great achievement for mankind, but, it is for me. I never really had a voice before and now in a year...I have been able to give my meager opinion almost 1000 times.
by Rabbit 15 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, it's true. I know it is not a great achievement for mankind, but, it is for me. I never really had a voice before and now in a year...I have been able to give my meager opinion almost 1000 times.
let's get high.
Happy Birthday
In 47 more meager opinions you will be Jedi! Now that's opinionated
to many more years of opinionation. Congrates.
Happy JWD Birthday Rabbit,
Hey wanna play 'pin the tail on the sheep' like we did in Dallas to celebrate your one year?............
I also got a present for you! Schizm finally told me how Lots daughters retrieved daddys tadpoles out of him and fertilized themselves. I'll wrap the answer in a box with a big pink bow on it like you like and send it to ya.....k?
Happy 1 year's been a pleasure!
Happy First Anniversary Rabbit. You've been a pleasure to read.
Congratulations, Rabbit! Almost a thousand opinions in a single year! Funny, Gumby, about the Schizm obsession. I stalked Bleep the first few months I posted here, trying to see if I could get an independent thought out of that JW apologist. I have about given up. JW's start thinking for themselves when they are good and ready, not before. Schizm may have left the organization, but that mindset certainly hasn't.
Congrats Mr. Rabbit!!
Congrats mate! Hope things are going well...
Oh, and give Mrs. Rabbit a pinch on the butt from me
OK, a special song for Rabbit from London's very own Chas & Dave:
Pstt..To "rabbit" is UK slang meaning to chatter a lot.
Rabbit, rabbit .....(repeat)
You got a beatiful chin,
You got beautiful skin,
You got a beautiful face,
You got taste
You got beautiful eyes,
You got beautiful thighs,
You got a lot, without a doubt,
But I'm thinkin' bout blowin you out,
Cos, you won't stop talking,
Why don't you give it a rest?
You got more rabbit than sainsburys
Its time you got it off your chest
Now you was just the kind of girl to break my heart in 2 CHORUS
I knew right off when I first met my eyes on you
But how was I to know you'd break my ear holes too,
with your excessive talking,
you're becoming a PEST,
rabbit, rabbit, rabbit.....(repeat)
Now your a wonderful girl,
you got a wonderful smell,
you got wonderful arms,
you got charms
You got wonderful hair,
We make a wonderful pair,
No I don't mind havin' a chat....
But, you have to keep givin' it that,
(chorus) rabbit, rabbit, rabbit (repeat)