Jerry Springer ... the musical / opera

by Simon 13 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Just watched this on the Beeb which has come in for a lot of flak for showing it.

    All the right-wing religious nuts came out complaining about it WAY before it was ever broadcast and without seeing it claiming that it was blasphemous and obscene (langauage).

    he he he ... it was - and very good too !

    The basic story is that it starts with a typical Jerry Springer show and several guests and he ends up going to hell and trying to sort out the arguments between god / jesus / satan and the virgin mary - who all mirror the disfunctional guests he had on earlier.

    Why is it that when religious drivel is on that we don't like (eg., songs of freekin' praise) we just turn over. When something is on that they don't like they try and stop everyone else watching it too?! Bloody Nazis.

    Well done BBC

  • Gretchen956

    Now see thats the difference, here they would never show that on telly! Rat bastards!

    I've heard its very funny.


  • Simon

    Yes, ironic isn't it that we don't have "guaranteed" freedom of speech but seem to have more of it ?!

    It is very good. Very pointed. Very irreverent.

    Bits of it were quite pythonesque (the tap-dancing Klu-Klux-Klan for instance)

  • Leolaia

    My boyfriend is in London right now and he saw it yesterday in fact.

    And he liked it.

  • aniron
    Why is it that when religious drivel is on that we don't like (eg., songs of freekin' praise) we just turn over. When something is on that they don't like they try and stop everyone else watching it too?! Bloody Nazis.

    Because the religious "drivel" doesn't contain hundreds of swear words or goes out their way to make fun of others religions. .

    You have just shown the same attitude to peoples faith, that you condemn them for, over your stupid program.

    Did you say the same thing when Sikhs got a play they considered blasphemous to their faith, stopped?

    Why is it that some ex-JW's seem to think that somehow it gives them the right to condemn and make fun of any other religions or anyone who has a faith. Just because they had their lives messed up by a MAN-MADE ORGANISATION, which they had the choice to be in or not. Just because a group of old men in Brooklyn messed your life up, don't think its the same for all other ex-JW's, many of us still have a strong belief in God. Even though I've been through hell with the JW's these past 4 years, after being one for 28 years. I left behind a man-made organisation, not God.

    Its a trend thats appearing more and more on this forum. "Lets make fun of those who still believe in God, Christ and the Bible. They must be really stupid to still believe in that stuff"

    You accuse those that demonstrated against the program of being "Bloody Nazis".

    It seems to me that you are showing the same attiude, who was it that wanted to get rid of certain religious groups?

    And by the way, I didn't agree with the demonstrations, mainly because the show had already been on in the theatre in London for two years. Why hadn't they demonstrated then? Did they think that like the Sikhs they could get this play stopped now. Then why didn't they do it when it was first on in the theatre?? Maybe they saw what the Sikhs got away with it and thought they could do the same? Too little, too late.

  • Gretchen956

    aniron, the point is, if you don't like the contents of the show you can exercise your right not to see it. There is such a thing as freedom of speech. The same with the television and books and lots of other things. You don't have to read it, doesn't mean you have a right to stop me from reading it if I want to.

    I don't really give a ratzazz what you believe in, you have every right to your path to spirituality. What I do object to is to have you or anyone else try to convert me or stop me from doing things that I do not consider wrong simply because you do.




  • Simon

    It is a fact that most 'complaints' about any TV programme are received before it is broadcast and is a result of people complaining about the subject matter, typically because it challenges their cosy little world view or faith. The programs have warning saying that some people may find the content offensive because it deals with x, y, z.

    ... so they sit and watch them !

    (this one actually had a warning right in the middle before the religion scene)

    I think these programs should be protected. There is always something worse in the bible. Ban then and ban the bible too.

  • avishai
    Did you say the same thing when Sikhs got a play they considered blasphemous to their faith, stopped?

    I sure would.

    Why is it that some ex-JW's seem to think that somehow it gives them the right to condemn and make fun of any other religions or anyone who has a faith

    Because I DO have that right.

    Its a trend thats appearing more and more on this forum. "Lets make fun of those who still believe in God, Christ and the Bible.

    Yep. I'll make fun of just about anything. Because I can. And it takes away the pain of having to live in a world with a bunch of self righteous idiots who take themselves WAYYY to seriously and believe they have the right to cram their rights down my throat. This, by the way, does'nt just include right wing or religious sacred cows. I'll pop a liberals bubble even more quickly, because, well, they're supposed to be more liberal and toloerant and often are'nt, even though i may hold similar views. People REALLY need to lighten up. Life is way too short.

  • Abaddon


    Because the religious "drivel" doesn't contain hundreds of swear words or goes out their way to make fun of others religions. .

    No, but I can find religious drivel that does go out of its way to portray non-believers as objects of pity, ridicule and scorn, and religious drivel that actually suggests some people living lives which do not harm others are worthy of death on account of their sexuality.

    Why not extract the rafter in your 'brothers' eye before removing the dust in ours? No one really suggests religious bigots and stirrers of hate (of which there are plenty) should be put to death.

    Why is it that some ex-JW's seem to think that somehow it gives them the right to condemn and make fun of any other religions or anyone who has a faith. Just because they had their lives messed up by a MAN-MADE ORGANISATION, which they had the choice to be in or not.

    You are suggesting here that there are some religious organisations which are not man-made. Please provide evidence for this. I am sure you would not want to force your beliefs on us just on the basis of your say-so.

    Just because a group of old men in Brooklyn messed your life up, don't think its the same for all other ex-JW's, many of us still have a strong belief in God. Even though I've been through hell with the JW's these past 4 years, after being one for 28 years. I left behind a man-made organisation, not God.

    Oh lord, please preserve us from the baby with the bath-water argument; no one has ever proved there ever WAS a baby in the bath-water. Please don't judge me ("Just because a group of old men in Brooklyn messed your life up"). I believe it contradicts your own beliefs.

    And it doesn't mean you are right, and just as humanists, atheists, and quite a few believers have to put up with stuff they find offencive from traditional religionists, so too do traditional religionists have to put up with stuff they find offencive from humanists, atheists, and quite a few believers.

    Get over it. Just because you feel your beliefs (because they involve a claimed ultra-powerful entity) should be treated with respect doesn't mean they should. It is like me claiming my opinions should be respected solely on account of the fact they were given me by an all-powerful sky kangaroo. You will note racists and bigots feel their opinions should be treated with respect to, and as we both would agree this is not so, I don;t see how you can assert your beliefs are in any way under a special protection against parody, facetiousness, lampooning, sarcasm, irony or whatever else.

    If god really minds he can take it up with the people concerned; I think he's 'bad' enough to look after himself, huh?

    Its a trend thats appearing more and more on this forum. "Lets make fun of those who still believe in God, Christ and the Bible. They must be really stupid to still believe in that stuff"

    I think the main problem is people believing in god and Jesus as they understand them from a traditional literalistic perspective have failed to show they are not really stupid in believing in 'that stuff', i.e literalistic interpretations of the Bible as regards origins and man's history.

    Ahhhhhh... poor them. Not my problem; if they can't prove their beliefs (be they about the Loch Ness Monster, ghosts, Jews, god, whatever), whilst I respect their RIGHT TO AN OPINION, I will not respect their opinion. Since when did respecting fantasy-views of the world do any good to anyone?

  • avishai

    Dammit. I agreed with Abbaddon twice in one day. I better go get my eyes checked.

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