Looking at the smurf thread I was wondering, In my congregation in the 80's there were also storys of demonic cabbage patch dolls attacking JW kids. I wasn't allowed to have one because they might be demonized. Was it just my cong. or was this also another worldwide JW panic?
Cabbage Patch Dolls?
by KKLUV155 22 Replies latest jw friends
Never heard about that...although it seems everything else was demonized...
Been there
I was out by then but are you sure they didn't just tell you that because they cost about $50+ back then and they didn't want to get beat up trying to get you one?
omg -
although it seems everything else was demonized...
That's hilarious! Really hit the spot!
my JW mom got a cabbage patch doll in the 80's... didnt bother her....
- Preston
Smurfs were unofficially out in our area; Cabbage Patch Dolls were in! I had one of my own and bought each of the kids their own too.
But I did read on a different thread that it was a really big deal I believe in Australia - you could not have Cabbage Patch Dolls!
oh brother... is there anything that isn't demonized?
in a new york bethel minute
the only thing that is sure to NOT be demonized is publications produced by the watchtower bible and tract society. even many bibles are demonized because they have pictures of crosses on them. YA THAT'S RIGHT YOUR BIBLE IS DEMONIZED. NOW GO TO HELL. oh god hey guys remember being a witness?
Low-Key Lysmith
I haven't been to a meeting in 13 years and it never ceases to amaze me how these asinine JW urban legends seem to reciprocate and endure. I remember the smurf and cabbage patch kids stuff from when I was a kid. Here's a good one...our PO when I was little got up on stage and during his talk told the cong that Star Wars was evil and demonized because of the use of "The Force". I guess demons were raising hell a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
I had 5 of them... I loved them... and never heard anything like that.