Met a JW elder for the first time since leaving JW

by coldfish 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • coldfish

    I left about 14 months back and stopped attending meetings cold turkey. So I haven't seen any JWs for ages and for some reason I've never bumped into them at the mall or in town - and I guess that means they haven't seen me either or know what i'm up to.

    I was at a cafe with a male friend today, we look like a typical couple that is we're the same age, shop together etc but its purely platonic. But you know how it is with JW they always jump to conclusions and always think the worst.

    There was an elder and his family in the cafe too and they saw us. Pete (my friend) got up to go change his order, and while he was away the elder came over to me and said 'Hi how are you'

    I said 'hi, i'm good, everythings the same, same house same job etc'

    he said 'if you ever need any help feel free to contact us'

    i smiled nicely and said 'I attend City Church now, its an apostolic church' (and i had a plain to see cross hanging around my neck)

    He simply walked off!!!! Didn't say 'bye' or 'i must go now' - he simply walked away from me! Must have thought I was the Devil incarnate

    I thought the whole incident was really funny. I have no idea what they'll do, nor do I care. For them it didn't look good, Debbie on a date with her boyfriend, wearing a cross and admitting going to church. The only thing to stumble them more was if I'd been smoking too. Wonder if they'll bother disfellowshipping me?

  • lv4fer

    You can bet they will be after you now! I have to laugh at him walking away without saying goodbye. The cross you see gave him a reaction much like a vampire. They can't stand to look at a cross, it is evil!

  • Elsewhere
    I was at a cafe with a male friend today, we look like a typical couple that is we're the same age, shop together etc but its purely platonic.

    Poor guy... you shouldn't torture him like that. Trust me... he wants to get naughty with ya. Just ask him if he would.

  • JustTickledPink

    I love seeing JWs and then just smiling and being happy as I say hi or walk on by.

    I'm so glad to hear you weren't embarressed or intimidated!!! Good for you!!!

  • coldfish
    Poor guy... you shouldn't torture him like that. Trust me... he wants to get naughty with ya.

    Now I feel bad!

    I met him off an internet dating site and we started off as a couple. I think he might still like to be too. But I said I wanted to break it off or just be friends. hmmm life and relationships are so perplexing

  • Purza
    I love seeing JWs and then just smiling and being happy as I say hi or walk on by.

    This is so true. I ran into an elder at a restaurant two weeks ago. This elder was my confidant and he really kept me going the last two years I was going to meetings. He even used me for an assembly part not too long ago. When I saw him at the restaurant, he did not acknowledge my existence (I was with my daughter and my fiancee). When we walked out of the restaurant I saw the elder and his wife driving our way -- I put my arm around my daughter and smiled at her. I guess some part of me wanted him to realize I was happy.

    I always find it encouraging Coldfish to see others as courageous as yourself. I am somewhat of a wimp when it comes to people I "used to know". Bravo!


  • Euphemism

    Well at least he came over and said hi! Better than the shunning treatment, I think. And you reacted equally friendly. It's not your fault if a perfectly ordinary remark about what church you're attending sends him into a tizzy.

  • freedom96

    Problem is that so many witnesses think that if you leave "the truth" you will be sooooo unhappy.

    They don't realize that one can live a productive, healthy, positive life without them.

  • Goldminer

    congratulations coldfish for making a stand for yourself,it will help in re-building your self-esteem that the WT tried to crush.

    btw,the elder probably put down an rv and 1 hour service so it wasn't all in vain for him.there's always an ulterior motive behind that caring,smiling face.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Oh, my dear, if you're in their books as being baptized, consider yourself disfellowshipped. I'm sure he'll use his family as the 'two witness' evidence.

    By seing the cross and you admitting going to another church, you're an automatic apostate and will be disfellowshipped even if you don't meet with them.



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