....you might have been a JW if....
So, You've Been Known To Proposition Complete Strangers For Sects
by SixofNine 35 Replies latest jw friends
...and you only ask for a donation
...every time you went to Home Depot and walked through the aisle where doors are displayed, you were compelled to knock on them. (i got this from a web site, but if i post it. i'll give all the good jokes away...)
You have never bought your wife a birthday present..
You have never pulled a Christmas Cracker
You dont invest in a pension 'cos the word is bound to end soon , or later or later ..........
You have wasted uncountable weekends taking books that nobody reads to houses where nobody is home , for no pay and no pleasure....
IF the proper response to a nightmare is "Oh Jehovah, help me!"
If you spent more time in a cheap suit than a convict.
If you've seriously considered what jobs God approves of.
If you realize things are getting worse and you're
thrilled. -
If you realize things are getting worse and you're
thrilled.Oh my goodness Blondie. If that doesn't hit home nothing does. What a great sardonic point you made.
You start feeling guilty after you masterba.. ah, never mind.
You dred: Sunday morning, Tuesday night, Thursday night, Saturday morning, and every day before a meeting because the next day has a meeting.
...you're completely paranoid someone will find out what you've been thinking
....you have a nice house picked out for after armageddon
....you have a strange kinship with Job
....you're convinced demons can exist in furniture, toys, cartoon, wallpaper...and so on and so on...