You Reap What you Sow

by Xena 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    seeitall and fbf I appreciate your responses

    I realize now this is not a place I feel comfortable any longer discussing things this close to my heart.

    I'll stick to the fluff and inane

  • seeitallclearlynow
    One of her fears is losing her mothers love if she continues on a course that is "unapproved" aka living a normal life.

    Unfortunately this kind of "mother's love" isn't love really and definitely isn't motherly - don't some people often make fun of the "unconditional" nature of most mothers' love?

    That's why I dislike, even hate, hard core "religion". Its adherents usually seem to feel that people should be for the religion, instead of the religion being for the people.

    So sorry, Xena! For all of your family. But very glad that your sister has you and I hope the rest come around too.

  • frenchbabyface

    you reap what you sow is as true as you can if you want (it can be true of course part of and totaly, but most of the time it helps those who don't want to help ... easy)

    Good she have a sis' wich have an other point of view !

  • orangefatcat

    Xena, I am sorry you have been hurt. Expressionss that are close near and dear to our hearts are unfortunately not everyones cup of tea. I suppose these few oafs don't think twice before they run off at the mouth and post.

    I have been lucky myself. I have'nt been hurt by anyone in here. I have found true friendship with many. I do know though if someone said something unkind I would feel hurt. I just try and play things by ear.

    Sometimes you know ahead of time those who run off at the mouth. I would try and ignore them.

    I love your posts and you have plenty of heart. Keep the faith and not the JW kind...

    Love Orangefatcat

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Wow Orangefatcat, I didn't realize till now how harshly you chose to blast me! Thanks! I thought I was being supportive. And what's more, I've always liked you but I noticed that you have never once responded to me when I address you on the board. Well okay. Now I see why. Thanks for letting me know in this most kind, thoughtful way, dear lady.

  • candidlynuts

    <------------------ fluff and inane :)

  • seeitallclearlynow

    And (((((Xena))))) - so sorry my words were thoughtless. I know you love all of your family and I just hope you all can get back together one day in love.

  • frenchbabyface

    (((SeeItallClearlyNow))) : I don't think your words word were thoughtless ... your very, very, very kind and supportive

    It's just her choice to not go further on this here (not the first time she said that - it's coherent) nothing to do with you at all I think

  • kaykay_mp

    I've been ripped a few times for talking about my personal problem (namely the one about my ex). I didn't feel really bad about it because it's just someone else's opinion and I just feel like I coped with it the way that I knew how, and it worked for me. Everyone is going to feel differently about the same thing, and that's what you have to see it as.



  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i don't get close to anyone. i like it that way... p.s. and no, i'm not lonely.

    "and a rock feels no pain. and an island never cries..."

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