This is the part where you talk about your now tarnishing Lombardi trophies.
Who's Your Daddy, Green Bay!?
by ColdRedRain 13 Replies latest social physical
I think when Xena finally posts can pretty much expect pandora's box to be opened...
- Preston
Purple, yellow and white. Man I love those colors!
This is hopefully not too off-topic, but my kids were with me this weekend, so I was on JWD only briefly a couple of times. Until I saw your thread title I had TOTALLY forgotten that the NFL playoffs were even on.
P.S. I don't regret not seeing the games today, not because I don't like football... I do.... but because I had more fun with my kids. <------------- proud daddy!!!!
there was MASSIVE celebrating in my house!!! go, vikings...go, vikings...go...go...go, vikings!!!!!!!
hq~who has a packer's avatar because of a bet, but is asking the 'other party' to change their avatar!!!!
This is the part where you talk about your now tarnishing Lombardi trophies.
LMAO !! And how many Lombardi trophies are housed in MN CRR? That's right, I didn't think so !
Well- that sucked !
Congrats to the Vikings fans- your team played a good game and you deserved to win !
The Vikings fans left around noon today after some last minute cajoling. I guess it's easier to win when you have 1 1/2 teams to work with eh?
I've taken my Favre jersey and dyed it purple. If he's going to play for the Vikings he might as well be suited up properly for it. Seemed like 1/2 our team was playing with the purple yesterday.
Now I know that some of our receivers weren't where they were supposed to be on the play-duh-their bad but isn't the QB supposed to look before throwing the ball? Um, that's a purple jersey Brett and your guys wear the green ones !
A good time was had by all. I was able to party with some of my favorite visiting Vikings fans and sit with them in some of the best seats in the stadium and we all had a good time !
And boy, isn't that Randy Moss just oozing with class eh? Young athletes all over the country aspire to that kind of trashiness, I'm sure !
Congrats again and get ready for next year !!-----------------------------
hq~who has a packer's avatar because of a bet, but is asking the 'other party' to change their avatar!!!!
Cute avatar hq!!! I didn't know we had any extra bet though Next year !! Congrats lady !!
s'okay, the steel curtain will stop them all!!!
LMAO !! And how many Lombardi trophies are housed in MN CRR? That's right, I didn't think so !
Like clockwork. Packers get beaten badly by the Vikings, they crow about their tarnishing trophies. I even predicted it in the thread!
Now XW, how 'bout them Bucks, or Badgers or Brewers? Now there's a crew of champions!
GreenBay cost my arse $10. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make $10 these days? Bastards!
GreenBay cost my arse $10. Do you have any idea how hard it is to make $10 these days? Bastards!
Well, Gumbetter- you could open up your Gumbrothel again and make that up in a couple of days !
CRR- you have a lot to learn about good sportsmanship. You are young though so hopefully you'll get there eventually.