When I talked to my mother yesterday, everytime she would try to defend the Watchtower organization, she would say, And Jehovah says..." I would respond, "Noooo. The Watchtower organization says that. Show me the scripture in the Bible that says, "Jehovah says" right now". Then dead silence.....Can you think of other things that the Witnesses directly attribute to God Himself ----when in reality there's no such statement even suggested??
What Are Things "Jehovah" Says That Really The "WT. Organization" Says???
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
Who cares what Jehovah says? For most JWs, the Watchtower is the only True God, and Jehovah must shut up and obey them.
Walter -
That the WTBTS is his organization on earth.
I like the example of how EVERYTHING in the book of Revelation refers to the Witnesses and the "anointed". EVERYTHING!
That Christ began his earthly rule in 1914
That Christ found the Jehovahs Witnesses the only true religion in 1919
That only those who attend the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses will be saved at Armageddon
That Millions now living will never die, (or might, now, infact probably will...)
That the governing body are the 'Faithful and Discreet Slave providing food at the proper time'
That in 1935 the doors to heaven were closed
And the kicker is--------if you even question anything about these dates, you're shunned and df'd.
That God will not listen to your prayers once you have been disfellowshipped.
Yeah. He "can't" hear them.
That Jesus is only the mediator for the 144,000.
Midget---I brought that up to my mom yesterday.