I was thinking the other day that the Watchtower society used to sell the mag's and books to people at the doors for a set price. I know that realisticly they need to cover costs but everyone knows they made profit off of their sales and still do through the donation method now in place. What I wonder is how did they justify selling for a set price when it clearly says in the bible "you recieved free, give free". How did they justify selling literature like that? Didn't Jesus kick out the money changers in the temple? I think thats a good example of the Org, just a bunch of money changers and greed mongers. Also they charge a interest rate to any congregations borrowing money from the org. Charging interest on money that was donated by their own members, so the members get screwed not once but twice over. GRRRRRRRRRR!! Yet the congregation can lend the society money but of course(no real shocker) they get money lent to them interest free. Is it just me, but doesn't this seem totally hypocritical and totally counter to any solid biblical backing. How do they honestly justify putting a interest rate on the very money that just came out of their followers hands? Are all the rank and file dubs so brain numb they cant see this? Oh I only wish they would all wake up and see it for the publishing company that is really is. Its all money, every dubs life revolves around money and bringing in new members so that the new members can give money. It just totally erks me when people are so taken advantage of and dont even realize it or care. But thats the charm of big bussiness today. lol
Whats your thoughts?